A Present for You

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Floridians easily freeze. This is a fact, sitting here at my desk watching my classmates shiver in the freezing cold classroom.

Sometimes I even wonder how people living in Florida can even survive if they can't handle the air conditioning.
So much for Darwin's theory of natual selection.

"Noel." I turned around in my seat to face Destiny.

"Are you seriously cold, Des?" I asked, snickering.

"We're not all like you, Noel." She wrapped her fuzzy reindeer blanket around herself, looking more like an Eskimo than a Caucasian. "Anyways, ready for Christmas?"

"Christmas?" Wait.... Christmas? Already?!

"Uh.... Yeah." Destiny stared at me, confused. "The reason why we're on winter break tomorrow and leaving school early today."


"Yes, Noel, Christmas."

"OHHHH, that Christmas!" I nodded.

"Yes, Noel, that Christmas. The only Christmas we have every year." She nodded with me, saying each word with her sarcastic tone.

Goodness, how could I forget about christmas?! Usually I'm the one asking people about Christmas, making presents for everyone I knew, giving out cookies and candy. I was born on Christmas day for a reason, and my parents didn't name me Noel for nothing! Something was wrong with me.

"Noel? Is everything okay?" Des placed her hand on my forehead, making sure that I wasn't sick. "This isn't you to forget about Christmas."

I sighed heavily. "I know, Des, but...."


"What does christmas mean?"

"What do you mean what does Christmas mean?!"

"Look around you!" I exclaimed as I stood up from my seat, in complete shock at her answer. The whole class glanced at me, whispering in each others ears.

I looked at everyone, in dismay.

"What has happened to christmas?!" I continued. "Look at yourselves, talking about what you want for christmas and not thinking about others. America is screwed up because of Christmas..."

"Ms. Bleu, please sit down and..." The bell rang, signaling the last day of school for the year was over.

Everyone grabbed their things, and dashed out of the classroom, cheering and laughing. The teacher looked at me, not at all cheerful.

"Saved by the bell, Ms. Bleu." He went over to his desk, grabbed his satchel, went to the door, turned off the lights, and walked right out, not even glancing at me.

I stood there, dumbstruck of what just happened. What the heck is happening to me? Why'd the teacher just leave me in the classroom? Why did no one stay with me?

Realizing I was still in school, I gathered my things and left the classroom, not in the best mood.


Christmas eve

"🎤Silent Night
Holy Night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace 🎤"

I listened to my family sing from the living room, looking at the christmas tree as if it were an alien from another planet. Ever since that incident on the last day of school, I've never been the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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