"Goodnight Baekhyun, and don't forget, tomorrow, The Garden, 8 pm. Bye.
- Wait—"

"That bastard rang off." What did I just do?


The next morning, I woke up, quite unwillingly since I I had to go to work. KBD needed me for a meeting, so I couldn't be late.

Korea's summer was very heated, indeed. So I put light and comfortable clothes on since I was about to spend more than two hours in a sun-lit room filled with dozens of people.

I put some perfume —perfume is the most important— and went downstairs in order to have a breakfast.

I was about to open the fridge, a glass ready to be filled in my left hand, but some note got my attention

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I was about to open the fridge, a glass ready to be filled in my left hand, but some note got my attention.

I had no trouble recognising the writing.

"Today's cleaning programme: ground floor. The whole floor?" I grabbed the note, sighing.

" 'Ps: bet you won't do it, you lazy ass.' Winking face? Huh. No I won't, you crazy asshole," I mumbled, before crumpling the note and throwing it onto the floor.

"Plus I have to meet Sehun's date..." I said as I poured some juice in my glass.

I grabbed it and started taking a few sips of it, leaned on the kitchen counter.

" 'Bet you won't do it', huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "How can you be so sure?" I put the glass into the dishwasher.

"Well, Baekhyun. Let's do it," I rolled up my sleeves as I opened the closet and grabbed a mop.

"It's not your first time doing this, right? Come on, you can do as well as Eunbin..."

Eunbin was my housekeeper, she would often come and clean the house. She was so sweet, her husband was an excellent cook also. But since this house was Chanyeol's, I kind of had to let her know we wouldn't need her any more.

I grabbed a bucket and filled it with water and some cleaning product.

"Hope it's the right one..." I crossed my fingers.

I wet the mop before putting it onto the floor and wiping it.

"Pretty good, Baekhyun, keep going..."

I started running in the living room, trying to go as fast as possible.

"Come on Baek, you're the best hockey player ever..."

I bent over and remembered all the attacking moves I used to learn as a teenager.

"Go, Polar Dogs, go!" I shouted as I ran into the kitchen. I executed a semi-pirouette on the wet floor before kicking into the door and getting in. I visualised the furniture as my rivals and wiped the floor as fast and as gracefully as possible.

"I HATE HIM " | CHANBAEK  [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat