I. Introducing

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Disclaimer: Like all of us here, I don't profit whatsoever from this story except for my own personal and imaginative enjoyment and hopefully readers' as well.


My eyes wandered over the neat furniture in the room

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My eyes wandered over the neat furniture in the room. Everything was all... classy. I almost didn't even fit here.

I honestly didn't even feel the cold weather's effects. If anything, my palms were somewhat sweaty from the nervousness. I felt like a cheater.

"You are a cheater."

And then, there was him. Mr. I-can-tell-what-you're-thinking-because-I-have-superpowers. Ugh. Why does this have to happen to me?

"I am not! This is.. this is for the best," I defended.

"You are going behind your lord's back to another man to offer your services. I believe that is called deserting your loyalties."

I wanted to smite that hot, self-proclaimed, arrogant god.

"He is not my 'lord'! Its called 'boss'. My loyalty lies with money. Whoever pays me more for my services gets to be my boss." I held up my forefinger as if I just taught a very important life lesson.

Before he could make another remark, thank Tyche, the secretary called my name.

"Miss Sakura Haruno, please come."

I quickly got up and holding my file securely to my chest, walked toward the interview room.

The secretary cleared her throat. "Um.. miss Haruno, is your.. is he .. coming as well?"

The obvious blush on her face could only point to the haughty jerk of a so-called god walking behind me. Why was he following me indeed?

Before I could utter anything, he replied a firm 'yes' - to my horror. Miss assistant lady was all shades of red. But, I'm sure he was indifferent.

Soon as we entered the room and I saw through the glass that the panel consisted of only one interviewer, I breathed a sigh of relief. More people meant more judgemental eyes. The possible boss looked at me and smiled, gesturing me to enter.

But, he had to ruin my short-found relief.

"This creature wants to bed you."

"No, he doesn't. He is taking my interview so he can see if I am suitable for the job," I calmly countered.

"Such naïveté, mortal. This man is a lecher. Do not let him touch you. Unless it is what you desire as well."

The nerve! I growled (in a whisper) at him to shut up before entering, leaving him out the glass.

"Good morning, miss .. Sakura Haruno," he read my name off the file.

The interview went on quite alright. But, just when I was about to smirk that the god of jerks was wrong, the interviewer put his hand over mine.

"You have an impressive profile, miss Haruno."

Really? I have only worked in one company before this. And my reviews were not the best.

"I'd like to discuss more, say, over a few drinks? Tonight at 9, I'll see you at Clarisse's restro-lounge?"

I facepalmed. So much for my victory smirk. Why does he have to be right?

I got up from the chair a little forcefully - to make a statement. "Thank you, Mr. Watchmaker. But, I am out to be payed for my talent not your lechery."

I gave the interviewer 'the finger' - admittedly, not my smartest move - and stormed out only to find an annoying-yet-sexy smirk and an I-told-you-so plastered on the waiting and probably watching jerk's stupid face.

Honestly, looking that good and being completely frustrating at the same time should be made criminal.

"Not a word," I warned him, though his expression had already said it all.

I dragged him out by his wrists, ignoring the secretary who had suspiciously redone her make-up, and headed straight for the elevator. Thankfully, Sasuke hasn't spoken anything since we returned home.


Hi. I am Sakura Haruno. Age: 24

I was a normal girl who once had an average life. It went flip and haphazard since the day two weird boys decided to show up at my door and make themselves right at home.

Of course, my consent wasn't asked. Why? Because, my housemate decided we were open to housing incredibly hot single guys. Guys who declared themselves to be gods. And, of course, she saw nothing wrong with that declaration.

It all started with two strikes of lightning. I don't even want to get into it.
Bottom line: Despite my efforts to throw them out, I believe we are - or rather, I am - stuck with them. 'Them' implies self-proclaimed arrogant god number 1: Sasuke Uchiha and self-proclaimed perverted god number 2: Naruto Uzumaki.

My head hurts.


Fact file:

In Greek mythology, Tyche is the goddess of luck. The roman name for the same goddess is Fortuna.

Hey guys!

I am here with a new SasuSaku story just for you all!

I hope you like it!

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