I rest my head against the dash and sigh. This really was not how I was planning my weekend to go. I have no one on my side right now. I'm alone. Well, I have Parker but he couldn't come because of midterms. I decide pull out my phone and dial his number, hoping to find refuge in him.

"Yello?" Parker answers after two rings.

"I need some reassurance bud." I say casually to him, trying to not let him know how much I might have fucked up. He tends to read me very well and react strongly before I've even explain the situation to him.

"Sure, what's up?" He replies, obviously not catching on yet.

"I told Skylar some stuff and she's not really happy with me." I keep it vague even though there really is no point, he'll find out soon enough; I just want to prolong this nice Parker before it turns into hell fire anger Parker.

"Okay, what'd you say?"

"Uh, something along the lines of stay out of my personal life or something like that."

"Oh my god Casey." I can practically see him rubbing his eyes with his free hand. "You can't just say that! Is there like, context? That sounds like a mid fight statement to me."

"Well she said she'd go home early and ignore me if I didn't make up with my mom." He groans into my ear.

"Casey, you fought with your mom too? In front of your girlfriend? Do you have any dignity? Any class?"

"I didn't fucking start it okay?"

"I don't care if you fucking started it, it's just that you didn't finish it. Did she drag you out screaming?" I frown at my phone and grumble.

"No." I say with the least conviction.

"I think you should apologize to both her and your mom. Skylar is in the right here not you." I huff and grumble some sort of an agreement. Parker hums with satisfaction before hanging up without saying goodbye. It's obvious he isn't happy with me and I question why I even called him in the first place. I thought he might offer some different perspective; but no such luck. Now everyone is mad with me and I truly have no one. Why did I do that? I am really as dumb as Parker says I am?

I grab the blanket in the back seat that was left over from our final day in Oregon and open the car door to climb out, shoving my hands into my pockets and walking down the road towards the park. I have no clue where Skylar is and I wouldn't expect her to either considering she doesn't live here.  I don't think she would have gone far, so I stick near the path that runs through the middle of the park. I reach nearly the other side of the worn path when I see Skylar sitting on a stony bench with her legs tucked under her, earbuds in her ears and eyes closed. Her eyebrows are stitched together and her fists are clenched and resting against her thighs.

Approaching her quietly, I drape the blanket over her shoulders. I turn around quickly, kind of hoping that I can just leave without her even trying to acknowledge me, but before even a step I hear her say my name. I tense up and slowly turn around to see her just like before, eyes closed earbuds in. I slowly approach her and sit next to her on the bench, leaving ample space between us as to not bother her.

She takes out an earbud and holds it out for me to take. I hesitantly put it in to be met with the song that was playing in my car the first day we met. I start to relax and turn towards her, looking over her face that is exactly the same as it has been since I found her. I reach out and gently take her hand in mine, watching as her face softens a little, eyes still closed. We sit there listening to a playlist of songs that we've attached memories to over our weeks of being together. Very cheesy and very romantic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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