Fighting Back: Chapter 23

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Song of Love chapter 23

Rin POV-

"Who said I was joining?" I said fiercely, loud enough for him to hear. He came back, and I know I was asking for a fight.

"I did. Like I said, it's my mission to take you back. Why do you think your mother kicked you out of the house? It was so I can take charge and take you back. She will gain 1 million dollars if I succeed this mission, and my family will be the richest family in America."

It kinda hurt knowing that my mom was behind this. But I still had a question in my head. Well, okay, so I had, like, 50 questions. I was curious, so I asked him some questions.

"Why are you the one they gave the mission to?"

"Well, Yellow Rose, I am the #1 criminal in Colorado, also known as the Black Wolf, so I think they can trust me enough to do this easy task."

"Who said this was gonna be easy?"

With all my force, I jumped on Leonardo, catching him off guard. I pulled his arm and twisted it back to his back. I laid on him, his face facing the floor. I looked to see that he had a belt with a knife and two guns attached to it, so I reached for the gun and pointed it at his head. He started laughing, which surprised me.

"Didn't I tell you I was the #1 criminal? I never lose a mission. If I did, they would make my sisters agents like you." He quickly rolled over, using his weight on me. He was now on top of me, one of his hands pinning both my arms. He smiled such an evil smile that made me think back to the times when he acted like a friend to me. But I guess that's all it was. An act.

He put his lips close to mine, and I felt like throwing up. I was thinking of Len, and it made me feel worse. "But, since this mission is due tomorrow, I might as well have some fun with you." He kissed me, and it was way too forceful compared to Len's kisses. He kept on trying to lick my tongue, but I gritted my teeth, not letting him enter.

He got angry and put his hand behind my head, pushing my head against his. It hurt so much that I had to open my mouth. He smirked and that was when I got really pissed. I bit his lip, tasting blood in my mouth. He yelled, and let me go. He stood up and pulled my hair. He was gonna slap me, so I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. I heard someone's phone ring.

He stopped his hand mid-way, and let go of my hair. He once again threw me to the ground, and went to answer the phone call. "I'll be back," is what he said and with that, he left, leaving me scared, but I was pissed, too. That guy better watch his back.

Len pov-

I knew this would happen. I'm such an idiot. Someone warned me that this would happen. That someone is Lucy. Remember when I had all those phone calls from Lola? Yeah, well, it was actually Lucy trying to warn me. Why? I don't know. But one thing is for sure- Rin is gone and Lucy was right. She told me this in a text, and she also said not to tell anybody.

Len-kun: well someone already knows.

Me: who?

Len-kun: me, silly! I obviously know, too.

Me:*groans* your not even real! Aren't you just part of my imagination?

Len-kun: that's a cruel thing to say! You know how much trouble it was to come to Colorado and come to you?! This blonde girl kept poking me from behind, this blue haired guy with ice cream was all sticky, it smelled like leeks...-

Me: now's not the time. Go away. Shoo.

Len-kun: ...I hope you die a death from bananas.

Me: ...

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

What will happen next? Will Rin escape? Or will she have to join the CTO? Will Len die a death from bananas? Stay tuned as 2 out of 3 of these questions might happen... muahahahah!

Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON HOLD] and it's being edited >.<حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن