Worse Than Black Friday?: Chapter 20

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Song of Love chapter 20

Rin pov-

As I walked towards the mall, I felt a slight chill, and I was pretty sure that it was not just the weather. I looked left and right, but nothing looked strange or out of place. Weird. Oh well, better start lookin' at the really expensive stores, just so I can really have a fun time with Lola's money. It feels so good saying that.

First, I'll head to Macy's, mostly 'cause all the rich people are there, and I feel like takin, some money.... What? Don't think I'm a cruel person or anything, I just need some more money to make up for my.... underwear and such. Like I said, never underestimate Lola.

Oh, today I'm lucky! They have a 45% off sale for teen clothes. Don't know the math, but I'm pretty sure it's a good enough sale, right? What the- that feeling, it's there again. Am I crazy or what? I looked around, and obviously found no clue as to why I'm feeling like this." OH. MY. GOD. SO THEN THIS GUY WAS ALL LIKE-"

My thoughts were interrupted by this crazy chic talking super loud on the phone. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and she bumped into me, hard. She ignored me and kept on talking SUPER loud. I got pissed, but excited. She will be my first victim. I slowly approached her, trying to look casual, and bumped into her. "Waaahh!" She screamed way too loud, which brought attention.

I immediatly left the scene, my jacket pockets twice their size. That is one rich chic. "Hey! Get back here! Someone! She stole from me!" She was pointing at me, and suspision rose. I made a big mistake. Note to self- never steal from a big-mouth.

Rinny-chan: Rinny-chan will make a note of that!

I started running, and let me tell you, I was fast. I fled from Macy's, and headed to Bath and Body Works, thinking that it would be the best place to hide from the cops, and the best-smelling. I ran to the store, and was welcomed by the awesome fragances of Japanese Cherry Blossom, Cookie Dough, Pomegranet(however u spell tht), and other random fragrances, all combined into one unique smell.

I looked around, interested in buying a perfume or something. "May I help you?" A way too cheerful lookin' lady asked me. "Nope. Just lookin'." I said, popping the "p". She looked a little irritated, and kept looking at me for the rest of the time I was there. As I left the store empty-handed, that feeling came up again. This time, I saw something weird.

Near Bath and Body Works is where the see-through glass elevators are located, and a man with a suit and tie was the only person in it. What was really suspicious about him was that he had a masquerade mask on. He was looking straight at me, and the elevator was going down to me. He was grabbing something from his pocket, and it was a small pistol gun. Panicking, I made a run for it. Why am I reacting so fast, you are asking? Well, I didn't want to be involved with a gun... again.


who is that man? What did Rin mean by 'again'? Wil Rin be able to buy the clothes she was trying to buy in the first place? Are you tired of cliff-hangers? Stay tuned as these updates will take longer! Why? Well, I'm 13, so I have school soon, silly. But that doesn't mean I'll stop updating! If I ever take more than a day to update, expect long updates with, like, 5 pages XD

Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON HOLD] and it's being edited >.<Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin