Zoetrope: Chapter 3

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Song of Love chapter 3

Sup! Ima keep on adding on to the story cuz it's winter break. Whooo! I will probably add on almost daily, who knows... now let the story begin!


Once that weirdo Len left, I had to run to the main office to get my schedule. When that hag saw me, she immediately rolled her eyes.

"Kagamine, what do you want?" Ugh, there she goes again. Let's just say that she hates me for 'stealing' her watch last year. That was just last year. Wait for the other tricks I got under my sleeve this year... heheheh.

"Oh, dear hag, I just want my schedule printed down for me pretty pleeaase," I said while pouting and looking innocent.

She walked up to the printer and printed out my schedule. She then spat on it and gave it to me. How cute...

"Thanks, I always wanted to catch hag disease," I said and ran away before she got me.

In the distance, I heard her scream, "Give me back my wedding ring, Kagamine!"

"Yeah, sure, it's a wedding ring," I mumble. I stopped at the girls bathroom and took a look at my schedule. Ugh, I got the worst teachers in the whole school. Luck, where did you go? TT.TT

Okay, get ready for more pointers about my school. There are the good enough teachers, and then there's the bad teachers. There's bad teachers, and there's nightmares. Let me show you my schedule and tell you what's wrong about it(besides everything);

Period 1: Homeroom

Teacher: Ms. Richman

Reason for wrongness: always getting dumped so takes anger out by giving a lot of homework

Period 2: Language arts

Teacher: Mr. Johnson

Reason for wrongness: pretty much a pervert

Period 3: History

Teacher: Ms. Beeter

Reason for wrongness: name suits her. Why? She beats kids with whatever she has in hand

Period 4: Lunch

Period 5: Math

Teacher: Mr. Heberer

Reason for wrongness: another perv, alcoholic

Period 6: Gym

Teacher: Mr. Bailey

Reason for wrongness: sometimes dresses up as a lady, also a perv, likes cosplay

Well, I think you can see how me having no luck for the rest of the year will get me in my depression zone and praying to not get involved with the male teachers. Eh, I guess I'll just skip class for now. I do not want to be near Mr. Johnson. Ooo, I know! I'll head over to the abandoned part of the school. Why, you ask? Well, the only people there are couples and drug dealers, and it's mostly empty most of the time. It's also a good idea because there's music room that has a piano, and it works nicely for a 20 year old instrument.

What? Did you think that all I was good at was singing? Well, FYI, these fingers are not just good at pick-pocketing (insert dirty joke here). Just before entering, I heard a beautiful song being played. I stepped in, making the pianist look at me in the eyes. He looked surprised for a second, but quickly hid it by striking a handsome look at me.

"Oh, so your the one who kept the piano clean. I was wondering who was taking care of it."

I gave him a small glare, then said, "Yeah, I, uh, pretty much consider it my piano."

Then, Len asked, "Do you play piano, too?" I nodded my head, suddenly becoming shy for some reason . He said, "Show me," and I played the song I knew best without hesitation. Zoetrope.

Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON HOLD] and it's being edited >.<जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें