Not Twins, but Triplets!: Chapter 13

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Song of Love chapter 13


So there's something I have to confess... remember when I said that I would tell you about the rest of the family later? Well, that later is now, and the narrator will be the one explaining.

Narrator (Samantha-Chan) POV

Oh, please, call me Samantha-chan! Hello readers! So here's the thing- Len was right- there are triplets, not twins. Rin didn't tell you this because she had quite an experience with the third one, but I'll show you this by pretending to show you a video when you're actually just reading this. Rinny-chan, roll the tape!

"Yes, ma'am~!"




Samantha-Chan POV

I am mentally facepalming my self. Why? Well, I forgot to tell you guys that Jeremy's wife is named Meranda. She is a fiesty person and when you get on her bad side, you're dead. She has jet-black hair, so long that it reaches the floor. Her eyes are a beautiful rainbow color, and the only triplet that has those eyes was Lola, technically the middle child, also with jet-black hair. She was the meanest prankster, so she was obviously the one who cut Rin's hair, and was beat up for it.

The eldest child is the fraternal one. She is an albino, with really blonde hair,(almost white) and reddish-brownish eyes. Nobody really knows why she has this. Now, for the last triplet. This one is a guy named Leonardo, with jet black hair, but with green eyes, somehow passed down from his grandma. None of them had a characteristic from their dad, though...

What made him really special is something you've probably already seen in anime, manga, etc., but I'll tell you anyway! Whenever girls looked into his eyes, they would instantly fall for him. Which is why he wore black sunglasses.

Now, here is what happened between Leonardo and Rin(with some of his POV's, so Rin is still clueless to this day).

Jeremy wanted the 3 girls to bond with each other, so he made a small sleepover for the girls. Leonardo thought that it would be fun to try out his skills on Rin. So whenever the two girls excluded Rin from the games they were playing, he would act like he was a friend to her and played with her.

While Rin and Leonardo were playing hide and seek, Leonardo was the one counting. Rin hid in what she thought was a closet but was actually a guest room. She was gonna hide somewhere else but heard some footsteps. She quickly jumped on the bed and hid under the covers.

Leonardo opened the door, and saw a lump on the bed. 'This is too easy,' he thought.

He tiptoed to the bed, then jumped on Rin. He scared the crap out of her and started laughing. Rin started laughing, too. Once the laughter died down, Leonardo put on his innocent act and said,

"I like you." Rin was surprised, but took this as a friendship kind of thing. She smiled as best as she could and said,

"I like you too!"

Leonardo quickly turned around, blushing. 'Nonono, im not supposed to like her for real! Let me try my secret weapon...'

Leonardo turned back to the confused Rin, and she asked, "Why do you wear sunglasses?"

"I'll show you." He took off his glasses, then stared into her blue eyes.

She gasped and said, "You have pretty eyes!" Once again, he blushed, but he was twice as alarmed. He ran out of the room leaving the 11 year old Rin confused.

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As you can see, readers, Leonardo fell for the girl, but never admitted it. He vowed that the next time he met her, he would make her fall for him, hard. Will Leonardo be Len's new rival? How will Rin react to Leonardo next time she sees him? Are these questions revealing too much? Is there too much suspense? Can you handle it? Can you believe a 13 year old is providing you an awesome fanfic? Stay tuned as most of these questions might not have answers!...


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