Till We Disappear...

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“So, is it the venue big?” Ricky questioned like he had read my mind and took my hand. He lit up a cigarette and offered me one as well. I had definitely missed having a smoking buddy.

“It’s fucking huge. Someone told me that its a 5,000 cap and it’s sold out. I’m not sure if I should be freaking out because that’s a shit ton of people or excited,” I replied. Just thinking about playing in front of all those people gave me butterflies and made me feel like I was going to throw up.

“Don’t be nervous, Midnight. Did you not see your guys’ crowd at Warped? They’re gonna love you, babe,” he encouraged. Did he seriously just call me ‘babe’ or was I hallucinating? No one had ever called me that before, but I liked it. It sounded so natural coming from his mouth; like he should be calling me ‘babe.’

“Thanks,” I murmured, trying not to show how flustered I was. Why did everything he did have this affect on me? The smallest things he did gave me all these butterflies and feelings.

“Glad to know you didn’t die, Midnight,” Jeremy yelled as we entered the venue. When he saw me holding Ricky’s hand, he gave us a grin. “Well, aren’t you two just too cute,” he teased. I shot him the middle finger before he turned his back and ordered me to set up my drums.

All too soon, Ricky said he should get back because Motionless In White were doing a meet and greet before the show. “You better show up when you guys are finished playing,” he told me with smile before kissing my cheek and heading in the direction of the other venue.

Two hours later, we took the stage. To be honest, from my spot at my drum stool, I couldn’t even see the end of the crowd. It kind of freaked me out, but I just tried to remain calm and focus on which cymbals and drums to hit. Jeremy made sure to announce that this is the largest crowd we had ever played for and the cheer in response was deafening. It was astonishing to me that so many people liked our music.

After we ran off stage, I changed my shirt and told the guys I’d be back before we had to leave to get to the next city, which was tomorrow morning. You never knew when Ricky may try to convince me to stay the night or something and we all knew I couldn’t say no to him. I walked fast so I wouldn’t miss them playing. Twenty minutes into my walk, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Ricky: We’re on in 10. U coming?

Me: I’ll b there in 5 mins

Ricky: Ok I’m waiting outside 4 u :)

His text made me smile. The fact that me being there was so important to him made me really happy. I really couldn’t imagine being that important to anyone especially a guy. But, three months ago, I would never have guess I would have a boyfriend or even be in love.

A few minutes later, I could see Ricky standing outside of the venue smoking a cigarette. When he saw me, his whole face lit up. “You made it!” he exclaimed. He dropped his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. He then gave me a quick kiss before taking my hand and leading my backstage. The security guard at the door gave me a look like I was human trash. He probably thought I was a groupie or something. How judgmental.

By the time we made it in, someone was announcing that Motionless In White had two minutes before they went on. Ricky grabbed his guitar and started tuning it while I watched.

“Time to go on!” someone yelled and the guys ran onstage; first Angelo, then Ricky, Ryan, Ghost, and Balz, and finally Chris. They played for an hour, but it seemed to be only a few seconds. The whole time, I had my eyes on Ricky. Every once in a a while, he would look over at me and smile. The private little smiles made feel kind of special. Out of all the other girls in the world, he chose me. He loved me.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang