Who did it?

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The two friends were not done that easily.

He had to admit that they were not that easy of an opponent. He walked around the house looking for them. The little scumbags... He had to give them that.
"Benny. Benny" whispered Mat "Where are you?" Mat  was walking around the mansion looking for his friend. One hour was up but who cares?

His friend was gone! He wanted him back.
What would he say to Benny's mom.

"HEYO miss!!! Ya know we had this bet yesterday Benny did not wanna go but we did and then, funny thing!, I lost him and I think he got kidnapped by a ghost! Omaigaaaaaaaaaa are these chocolate chips cookies?"

No. Just no.

He turned around a corner and then he felt a hand on his shoulder. Mat left a not so manly scream and turned around. A little girl with pale skin was tip toeing to reach his shoulder.

"Omg girl! What are doing here?!" He asked
"I'm hungry...And freezing"
"Come with me!" Said Mat. He could not leave a little girl there. He grabbed her by the shoulders and hold her close to warm her up. The girl was freezing. And what was the deal with the cloaths she wore? They were as thin as nightware.

"Look I need to find my friend so you are coming with me till then!" 

"I can't leave the house."
The girl pauses at her tracks.

"What is your deal come with me!!"
"No" dark foam started leaving from under her feet.
"Bitch!" Mat started running through the house. Dark foam chasing after him.


BLAM! Mat landed on a chest and then fell back on his butt.

"What are you doing here?" Said a male accented voice

Then everything faded to black.
Mat woke up next to Benny outside the mansion. At the door step a tall Asian dressed as a butler

"The young lady is sick. Please leave" he said and turned around
"Wait man!" The butler pauses " What was that?"

"As I said" the butler turned "The young lady is sick... Don't come again."
"But what happened!!" Asked Mat but the butler left.

"That was the Willow family butler." Said a voice. Mat turned and saw an old lady looking at him. "Grab your friend me come inside"

"Wha wha..."
"Tsk just come in"

Mat went in the house dragging an unconscious Benny with him.
"It's a miracle he found you. It would have killed you"

"What was that!" Said Mat. The old lady took a blanket from a cupboard and covered Benny. After that he took his pulse. She sighed and went to another room Mat in toe.

"Look lady I had an awful day ,awful night, you are being shady and my nigga is laying sick in bed not knowing what fucking attacked us! Ya better start explaining"
The lady turned around with a glass of water and a bottle of something.

"Language" she simple said and gave him the water. She walked back to Benny and started giving him the content of the bottle.

"Yo what is that!"

"He was almost eaten. This will help him" said the woman

"Eaten?What the fuck is going on!?!?" Asked Mat seriously worried. The woman urged him to sit down. The only thing that could be heard in the room was Benny's breathing. The woman looked deep in thought and Mat had the urge to talk to her again. For some reason he didn't. Something told him it was better to leave her alone with her thoughts.

The clock was ticking. A whole hour passed by and the old lady did not say a thing.

Finally after a while she spoke.

"100 years ago...My grandma worked as a maid in that mansion. She lived in this house so she was leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. The other stay-in maids told her all the night time gossip. My granny could see ghosts. She was terrified by this house. So many lurked in there not all of them bad-"
"You want me to believe that your granny was working there and was seeing ghosts? That this mansion is haunted after all? Caught the bullshit!" Interupted Mat

"Shut yo trap and listen to the truth ya spoiled brat!" Shouted the old lady her bones cracking. Mat shut his mouth and listened to the grandma.
"Haaaa... She told me that butler was actually imported. The masters would think of it as exotic to have a Korean butler. He was poor so he couldn't but accept the offer. She respected him cause he was 20 and send most of his money back home. The other maids hated him cause he layed with none. He was really pretty so you can imagine how popular he was among the stuff

He was close only with the young lady. A 12 year old he had to take care off because she was sick since birth. The disgrace off her parents. Not healthy and strong but glued to a rocking chair at her room.

My granny didn't have contact with her but she could see the ghost lurking at her room. One day she saw one of them on the shoulders of the butler.

It was planting ideas to the boys mind.

Kill the virus

My granny could hear him.

Next morning everyone in the mansion was dead. Including the young lady and the butler."

"What happened to them?"

"It won the fight...The young lady got possessed and the butler killed everyone."

"What!?"asked Mat. "How could he do that?"
" The young lady was like a sister. Wouldn't you kill what brought your sister down?"

"Her PARENTS????"
" That was what brought her down...Then why not. He is not bad."

"He is not bad? He killed a mansion full of people!!!!"

"But saved you tonight"


"How do you define good and bad?" She asked with a mysterious face. "Something you think bad is good for someone else"

Mat could not say anything. The woman was right.

"Then the girl I swear is possessed. The butler? What's wrong with him"

"The girls last link to this world" said the woman and walked to the window that looked outside towards  the mansion. "She could not let his soul go... He is keeping people outside ever since"

Silence fell once again.

"When Benny wakes up we leave and never return to this square. These things you should not play with"

"Unfortunately you can't go." Said the lady, face still to the window.

"Huh?" Mat was confused. His vision got blurry. Was that smoke underneath the woman's feet?

"You know too much" the woman's voice became deeper, non human. She turned around and the last thing Mat saw was red eyes and sharp white teeth. An evil smile approached him and everything got dark.

The next day the city was restless.

Two ghetto kids found dead outside the haunted mansion at the square. Both their hearts where ripped out and an odd smell came out of them.

As the families were mourning an evil laughter that noone could hear filled the mansion.

"You think you could save them! Haha! My power is bigger than you think boy!" Said the voice

"I'm not a boy" said a dark figure.

"Accept the fact you are one of the villains now. You saw that I can destroy everything butler."

The butler turned around. He was paler than normal. He was a ghost after all.

The butler looked at the direction of the voice were now was standing a little girl.

"I know"

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