The Beggining

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She was sick.

She was a discrase to all. 

Who would love a girl that can't move away from her bed without support. 

She was supposed to be strong.

All she could do was look at the kids outide the window with a longing stare. If she even dared to ask her parents they would shut her off imediately.

"Miss, your medicine" said the butler passing her a glass with something yellow in it

"I dont want it... Its disqusting" the girl said turning her head away

"But miss-"

"I SAID I DONT WANT IT!!!"shouted the girl above the sound of the doorbell. For a few seconds both of them stilled. Then the door bell sounded again.

"Pardon me" said the butler and went to open the door. He was not in a good mood and he didnt have the time to explain to the boy. He shut the door and went off to his duty. 

"Well well... the pretty boy makes the honor off coming to grace us with his presence" said the cook as the butler entered the kitchen.

"Why are you talking to that yellow person? He cant even understand you" 'whispered' the maid

Oh I can sweetie thought the young man. Just because I have an accent doesn't mean I can't talk your language. He said nothing though. The man reached  for a dusting pan.

"He only talks to the young lady... they say there is something going on" said another maid.

You are saying that only because I didn't lay with you yesterday. "Mr. Smith the young lady wants her chicken more cooked next time. Ms. Pearl please dust the guest rooms when you finish spreading rumours" he said  and internally smirked when he heard the staff gulp. It was the first time he acknownledged them. 

Any other day he would have let them off. Today was not any other day though. His nerves were starting to break. 

He couldn't handle it anymore.






100 years later 

Two friends were feeling brave.

The night was still young, and their hearts yearned for the excitement that feared graced to the heart... Or so I could tell.

"Yo we-we can leave you know!" said the first one.

"We can't back down dog!" said the other "That nigga Matthew gave us 20 bucks! We have to get in and stay for an hour"

"Duuuude!!!It's the haunted mansion!"

"Look if you scared you can run back to your lil mama!Oh wait! That hoe left you for Nick! You are such a coward"

"Dude!How could you that is a sensitive topic!"

"Whatever lets get over it!" said and marched towards the mansion. His friend run behind him and through the old door. 

As the two friends entered the house they instantly felt the cold air around them. It was weird cause it was not even September, It was July. As they ventured the house they chose to enter the room at the top.

The bravest of the two opened the door and was met with the sound of a rocking chair

"Duuude why is the chair rocking?" said the coward

"Chill man its just the window" said the other and marched to the window. He pulled the curtains away but...the window was closed.

"Ma-at?" said the coward

"What Benny?" Mat turned around and almost screamed!

In the rocking chair was a skeleton hair still in tact! The body was small and clearly of a child. Mat looked at the door but his friend was not there.

"Be-benny?..." Mat run out the door. Looked right, looked left and run down the hall. 

"BEEEEEEEN" he shouted. As the man run around the house he did not notice the dark figure behind him.




"Natalia!!! My love did hear about last night?"

"Conrad! Of course I did!"

"These ghetto kids fooling around in that mansion! They should know better!"

"Oh well they are dead now hahaha"

Oh what a cruel city

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