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There was once a rich family. They lived in a magnificent mansion in the middle of the city. You would think they wouldn't want to be near people, especially with a sick daughter that needed nothing but quiet.
Well think again cause that is not the case.
They didn't really care about her and they really loved the city buzz. They build their mansion right in the middle of the city and donated their yard to the state to make a square.
So so the state did. At first many kids visited that square. They played everyday and even tried to spot that pale girl in the window of the top floor.

The bravest kid even knocked on the mansions door.
A tall handsome butler of Asian origin open the door. He stared at the kid with cold dark eyes.
"How can I help you?" he asked with an accent.  The kid were too scared to laugh at it.
"I was wondering if the young daughter of the house would like to play with us. We see her staring at us from the top window every day so-" the kid wasn't able to finish and the butler slammed the door at his face.
After that the kids that played on the square did not try to approach the mansion again.

100 years later kids don't visit the square anymore. Not only kids but adults even birds make a detour to avoid the haunted mansion.

What happened?

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