Chapter 24- It May Have Been Our Second Kiss yet it felt like No1

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'I will.' I replied before I gulped waiting for Cole to make the first move...
Within a few seconds I felt myself and Coles lips against each other. I smiled into the kiss, his lips were soft, just like before, I felt a tingly sensation in my lips as we kissed more passionately, our lips in sync. I grinned as Cole pulled away for two seconds for a breathe before he pressed his lips against mine once again, this time slower and with less force.
I sighed as we both pulled away for good.

It may have been our second kiss but it still felt like number 1... for now anyway..

'I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning.' Cole smirked mischievously, his voice husky as he walked down the steps.

'Yep.' I stuttered quietly.

He was so.. bad.

'Yes.' I sighed as I felt myself getting more annoyed.

'Olivia!' Gee's voice exclaimed through the phone.

'Georgia!' I mimicked her voice, 'Can't we just talk about this in school, it's too early now.' I yawned as I finished my last bit of mascara.

'I can't believe you kissed again, I'm so happy for you-'

'Gee I appreciate your happiness for me and all but I'm really too tired to talk.' I yawned again, cutting her off before I hung up the phone.

Okay, so I know it was rude of me but I'm really not a morning person!

I groaned as I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my phone from my desk before I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I tiredly grabbed a bottle of water as I looked up at the time. 8am. Any minute now..
I jumped as I heard a car toot the horn three times.
I quickly shoved the water into my bag before I rushed out of the house and into Coles car, making sure to lock the front door behind me.

'Alright?' Cole smirked.

I grunted in reply as I slowly plugged my seatbelt in and closed my eyes.

Cole scoffed and I could just tell that he rolled his eyes.

'Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm tired.' I mumbled as I kept my eyes closed.

Cole muttered something under his breath but I'm not sure what.

Before I knew it I realised we were outside school. My eyes fluttered as I stretched my arms above my head.

'Maths first period, princess.' Cole smirked as he turned the car engine off.

I groaned. I hate maths. We have maths everyday. I hate it.
Princess.  I haven't heard Cole call me that in a long time.

I quickly jumped out of the car and so did Cole, everyone's attention was quickly drawn to us.
I groaned again, why can't people just mind their own business?!

'Cole?' I heard a high pitched voice come from behind us as we made our way up the school path.

I knew who it was. Emma.
Emma fucking Saunders!! Who decided to cheat on my-
Breathe Liv.
I guess that when I'm tired I get pretty angry.

Fake Dating the Bad BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang