Quote #42 - I am actually the feminist ideal!

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(WARNING: Contains indecent language)

" Oh, it's always the f*cking looks thing, isn't it? I get it, I'm hot! That doesn't make me any less of a role model for young girls! Young girls don't even notice stuff like breast size or neck length or whatever f*cking proportions of mine you have a problem with! Adults are the only ones messed up enough to have their self esteem influenced by a f*cking peice of plastic! Kids don't even know notice the fact that I don't have toes! Or nipples! And why am I the only one ever getting criticised for not representing realism??!

" How about Mrs Potato Head? She never gets criticised for having an unattainable body but she DOES because she's a potato! How 'bout those damn Cabbage Patch Kids or Action Men? Not a single ONE of us looks real because we're NOT but I am the only one made a mockery of!

" And let me tell you something about your stupid Lego female scientist laboratory! I was a ROCKET SCIENTIST in 1965! Do you know the percentage of female rocket scientists in 1965? LESS THAN ONE! Is that EVER celebrated? No! You're all too concerned by how tight my clothing my clothing is or how much eyeshadow I'm wearing! If you could just look past the exterior of a person for one second, you'd see that I am actually the feminist ideal! I'm a strong, successful, career-focused woman, who's conquered various areas of society that are still COMPLETELY male-dominated!

" And I am NOT subservient, I am NOT the weaker sex, my boyfriend is nothing more that a glorified accessory! My point is that despite what I look like, I am a leader! I am strong! And ever aspect I've ever achieved, I have achieved while wearing f*cking designer heels! THAT is a role model! "

(Sam and Mickey Stop Motion Shorts on YouTube)

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