Chapter 18: Killa Move

Start from the beginning

"Where the hell have you been, Buck?" I remember asking. He left the room without another word, dropping his backpack on the way to his bedroom. An airline ticket to Slovakia fell onto the ground. Natasha picked it up with ceased brows, and a slow sigh left her. "That fool has gone to look for the girls. I told him the line we got from Slovakia is useless."

This time, god knows where Bucky has gone to look for his girl. But at least he's come back in one piece. I don't think I can handle losing another person that I care deeply for.

Matron. She's a tough one, I know. But what is Hydra trying to get out of her? As far as I know, she has nothing to do with Hydra's operation on restarting the Winter Soldier's project.

Natasha's startling entrance stops my train of thoughts at once. Her expression is tight and emotionless. This is when I know she's onto something.

"They're alive." The red hair says simply. A knot in my chest releases, and I can almost hear Matron giggling at me for being so worried in my head. "But this ain't gonna last long if Hydra gets what they want. At least they'd be as good as dead."

"What do you mean?" Matron. She's innocent. She shouldn't be involved. This is not right.

Natasha glances around us despite knowing we're safe in Stark's workshop. "Got a bug spilling bits of Hydra's plan. They're giving up on Barnes."

That took a second to sink in. "That doesn't make sense. The Winter Soldier is like a religious figure in the organisation."

"I didn't say anything about giving up on the Winter Soldier's project." Natasha's expression is cold, which is when I know she's desperately trying hide her genuine emotions. "Hydra's only giving up on Barnes."

Natasha waits as I put the pieces together. Matron isn't even in the Avengers. She's merely strutting along because her best friend needs help. Sure she isn't involved, as far as I'm concerned, but Matron is powerful too. She's can take us on any day she wants. She's proved that once with Clint and I in the gym.

She's powerful, which makes her useful. A weapon. Subtle but deadly. Perfect for Hydra.

My hand flies out to hold onto the desk for support. Natasha steps in immediately and grabs my arm. "Steve, you okay?"

"That doesn't make sense." I scowl and the desk creaks in my grip. "They can't have recreated the serum for the program."

Natasha doesn't have to answer my wishful thinking. It all makes sense now. Lottie and Matron are both pawns in Hydra's great scheme. They're being turned into the next generation of the Winter Soldiers.


I can barely count the amount of times they've taken samples of my blood from me. The wall feels rough and sticky against my back as I slump my shoulders, watching the thick liquid flowing through the tube to a syringe that my handler, whom calls himself the professor, has prepared. The hunger and excitement in his eyes disgust me.

"You're a tough one sweetheart," he remarks as if I would feel proud to hear that from him. "It's been two months now and your heart rate is still as stable as ever." Two months? Is that how long it has been since they've captured Matron and I? Shaking his head, the Professor licks his cracked lips when he has taken a satisfying amount of blood from me. For a moment, my head swims and my empty stomach twists. He runs a thumb over the tube and stands. "You should see the other one. I predict another three months for her."


My head snaps up at his words, causing my neck to cracks and ache. "Matron?" I can barely recognise my own voice. It feels like decades since I've last talked to someone.

"Oh yes. You two are acquaintance." Then the professor just leaves it at that, as if he's never mentioned anything, like Matron's life isn't worth a minute of his life at all. I stare in blanking horror while the professor hums a song under his breath.

"Can I," I stutter, sucking in a deep breath in an attempt to slow my pounding heart. "Can I please see her?" My words halt the professor. He pauses, turning around to glance down at me in my corner. He takes in my form, my sullen cheeks and bony shoulders. I am still in the outfit that I have been captured in. I don't even feel human anymore, and in this very instant, I feel embarrassed to be looked at. This is what Hydra has done to me, and it pains me to imagine what it would have been like for Bucky.

Bucky Barnes. The man I love. The sole thought of him is the only thing that has been keeping me going.

I swallow and stare back at the amused man. "Professor," I hiss between my teeth, "please."

It's a miracle that he's indeed granted my wish, my heart is almost soaring when he bounded my wrists with a special kind of handcuffs and lead me out of the room with several guards. I memorize the route and watch in unblinking focus as my mind spin, desperately trying to think of a plan that can somehow get Matron and I out. For a very brief second, I feel hopeful. My body is bursting with thrill as I imagine the possibility of us escaping. Yet, fate always has its way with people, showing them how life can be cruel and harsh when you thought you were already at its limit. Would it have been better if I had kept my mouth shut in front of the professor, let him take my blood and go? Maybe. But now that I have done what I had, someone has to pay the price, and the person isn't me.

Winter Sun •Soldiers Series• [Bucky Barnes/Avengers] *Sequel to Soldiers*Where stories live. Discover now