Chapter 43

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Kat's POV

I walked to my car, reaching into my purse and grabbing my ringing phone. I honestly expected, or hoped that it would be Matt, and I frowned when I saw Dani's name.

"Hey." I answered as I walked.

"Hey." She said. "I just finished work."

"Me too." I said opening my car and climbing in.

"Okay, so I'll go home and shower." She told me. "And then I'll be over. Should I pick some Chinese or something up for dinner?"

"That sounds good." I told her, starting my car.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon." And she hung up.

Tonight Dani was coming over and we were going to attempt to work out the seating arrangements for the wedding. The guy's were off for their short tour, so I figured while I had nothing else to do I might as well help her. I knew the whole seating thing was stressing her out, so tonight we would tackle it together and have a few wines while we were at it.

I headed for home. I was missing Matt, I really was. They were only gone for a week but I wished I had gone with him. He was my husband and I wanted to be there to support him, even if he only saw me as a nagging wife.

I frowned to myself thinking about some of his comments. They hurt when he said them, when he told Brian about how awful marriage was. Was I really that bad? And apparently he didn't want children and that bothered me too.

Thinking about children made me think about the baby I lost, so by the time I got home I was feeling pretty down so I headed straight into the shower, trying to get myself out of this funk.

It helped a little, so I got changed, grabbed a drink and headed into the living room, waiting for Dani to arrive.

I sat down, grabbing my Ipad.

"Don't." I mumbled to myself, but even as I spoke I was clicking on the Tumblr app. Time to see what horrible things I'd been up to lately.

OMG........LOOK, was the caption along with a picture of Matt. I sat there looking at the photo trying to work out what I was looking at.

Anon: Has he finally left her?

Reply: Well it certainly looks like it

Anon: Where's his wedding ring?

I looked back at the photo, my breath catching in my throat. It was a picture of Matt, out last night and he didn't have on his wedding ring, it was plain to see.

Anon: She's not with him at the show's either.

Reply: Good....Hopefully he's waken up to himself.

I shut it down, I really needed to stop going on social media, it was disgusting.

"Well why the fuck hasn't he got his ring on." I snapped to nobody.

I looked at my Instagram icon. Should I look on there? Before I could argue with myself any further I opened it and was greeted with more pictures of Matt, apparently out last night without his wedding ring. Where the fuck was his ring?

As I sat there thinking about it, a thought popped into my head. It have never occurred to me before, but god, it was a possibility. Was he cheating on me? Were there other women? Victoria said he only married me to clean up his image, so maybe there were other women. He always acted like I was a hindrance around other people, god maybe he did marry me for a purpose, maybe he was only nice to me at home because he had nothing better to do?

"Fuck." I snapped, shutting my Ipad off.

Fuck Social media and fuck those girls. I'd never been like this before, I'd never doubted myself, I always had self confidence, but now, now since Matt and those bitches I had barely any left, everything I did I doubted myself on and now I was sitting her doubting my husband.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, startling me and I grabbed it up quickly.


"Hey it's me." Matt said.

"Oh, hey." I mumbled, wondering if his ears were burning from me thinking about him and all those girls talking about him.

"How was work?" He asked softly.

"Busy." I said. "What about you? What have you been doing?"

"Not much." He said. "Had a rest day, have a show tonight."

"Sounds nice." I said chewing my lip. "Did you go out last night or anything?" I asked him, waiting for the answer.

"Nope." He said. "We just hung around the hotel."

That was it, he was having an affair. There was another woman, he was lying to me, there was photographic proof that he was out last night and out without his wedding ring.

"Great." I said in a clipped voice. "Anyway I have to go, Dani will be here soon."

"Oh." He said and I had to admit he sounded a little disappointed, well too bad for him.

"Yep so I guess I'll see you in a few days." I muttered.

"Yep you will and...."

I didn't wait for him to finish, I hung up. I wasn't interested in what he had to say. The photo's I'd seen spoke volumes.

Thank god Dani arrived and she came in carrying bags of food. Food would make me feel better, so I went about getting plates and wine and we sat down to eat.

"Kat." Dani said quietly as I got up to refill our glasses. "Are you okay?"

"Yep." I said sitting back down and smiling widely at her, praying she couldn't see how forced it was.

"And everything's okay with Matt?" She asked me softly.

"Yep." I said again.

"Good." She said softly. "He's funny when he tells Brian how bad marriage is." She laughed.

"Hilarious." I said dryly.

"Oh." Dani said as her phone started ringing. "That'll be Brian, he likes to call me before a show."

"How nice." I whispered to myself.

"Hi baby." She answered softly, getting a dopey look on her face. "I miss you too."

I snorted out loud and she looked at me, raising her eyebrow's as my phone started ringing.

I glanced at it. It was Matt again. What could he possibly want now?

"Hello." I answered through a mouthful of food.

"Kat." Matt snapped. "Did you hang up on me?"

"What no." I lied. "The line was bad."

"Oh okay." He said in a softer tone. "Well I wanted to tell you that I miss you baby and I wish you were here with me."

I rolled my eye's. "Are you hiding in a closet to make this call?" God forbid someone hears him being nice to me.

"Kat." He snapped. "God, I miss you okay and I love you."

"I miss you." I said softly and that was the cold hard truth. "And I love you." And that was the colder harder truth.

"Good." He murmured. "I can't wait to see you Kat." And he sighed. "I've missed you so much."

I smiled, feeling tears prick my eye's. I was just so damn confused. What was going on?

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