"It's nothing" there was a pause, and Taehyung could identify a hint of realization in Yoongi's eyes. "Wait" Yoongi said and looked at Taehyung curiously "you- you barely eat" the younger gulped and realized he'd made a mistake "are you... are you always sad?" Taehyung shook his head eagerly.

"Pfft yeah right"

"Taehyung- are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine!" He gave him a big smile "but- what about you? Is anything wrong?" Yoongi sighed.

"I'm just so tired..." of living? Because I am.

"Of what?"

"I- don't know" Yoongi looked down to his food. "I'm just tired..."

"I know you're lying to me hyung, but it's fine, I lie too" he smiled sweetly "come on! I want to cheer you up!"

And then-

One day he found himself staring at Hoseok.

The older was siting three or four chairs away from him, talking with Jungkook about something that seemed pretty funny as the older had let out one of those loud laughs he was known for. It had caught Taehyungs attention.

At first he didn't know why, but that didn't stop him from staring at the older as he laughed happily. Then, as time passed and he kept sharing with Jungkook whatever it was that made both of them so happy, he realized, that the reason as to why he kept staring was because he found the older's smile the most beautiful thing in the world.

He laughed at himself because of that thought, which caught both Jimins and Yoongi's attention.

"What?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"I just had an incredibly weird thought" Taehyung said and Yoongi smiled.

"You always have weird thoughts"

"I know hyung, I know"

And then-

It took him too long to realized that he liked Hoseok, but seriously he should've notice earlier.

The day he noticed, he and Yoongi had been playing video games together. It was one of those times when Yoongi was absolutely depressed.

They had been playing for an hour now when Hoseok sat by Yoongi's side. Something inside him hurt. Why hadn't Hosek sat by his side? He looked down at the controller and then at Hoseok.

Oh fuck, what was this feeling?

He focused on the game and tried to ignore it, but then, he found himself looking at Hoseok once again. He smiled to himself. God Hoseok was so perfect.

"Okay, then, see you later?" Hoseok asked Yoongi. The older nodded and Hoseok smiled, not without looking at Taehyung. "Bye"

"Uh-"  Taehyung was left speechless.

"Something wrong?" 

"Everything's fine" he paused "actually..." he gulped "Hyung can I tell you something?"


"I think I like Hoseok Hyung" Yoongi smiled.

"Are you telling him?"

Taehyung had shaken his head nervously.

"What if he rejects me?"

"I don't think he would" silence "Actually, I think he likes you too"

And he did.



"Should I tell him then?"

"Sure kiddo, give it a shot"

And Taehyung did.

And then-

Taehyung knew he should've been a better friend.

He should've been with Yoongi all the time, not only when he saw the older getting bad again.

He knew he should've been there, but he wasn't.


He wasn't.

Broken Thoughts (Vhope)Where stories live. Discover now