"Oh my God!"I shouted and checked his head,the bullet had surly impacted him but only just skimmed his head.

He was already unconscious as I propped him up slightly.

I looked up to see T-Dog,Shane and Rick running towards us with their guns in their holsters and they quickly picked him up.

Hershel quickly came out of his house to see Rick,T-Dog and Shane running up with Daryl.

They quickly went into the house and I looked around to see Andrea with a smug look on her face.

I marched up to her and the smile dropped right off .I smacked her right in the face."Thank god for your lack of aim!If you had only been a few centimetres over to the left you would have killed Daryl!You stupid bitch!"I shouted and she kicked me.

I got up from the floor and punched her right in the nose,she was knocked out and fell to the floor.

I walked to our tents and put the bags by the fire and unpacked them.I watched as Dale and Lori helped Andrea off the floor as she came around and Amy helped her into the house.

Daryl's POV
I came around and heard Rick talking to me "you alright?"he spoke.

"God dammit who the hell fired!"I mumbled as I felt the bandage around my head.

Before Rick could answer Amy barged into the room.

"Hershel,can you help Andrea she just got punched in the face".

"By who?"Hershel asked as he looked at her.

"Y/N"Andrea spat.

Your POV
By the time I'd finished unpacking the tins and put on some for dinner Carol came out of the house.

"Ice for your right hook"she smiled at me.

I mumbled a thanks and pressed the ice to my knuckles.

"Where'd you get it?"I spoke looking down at the slowly bruising knuckles.

"Oh someone gave it to me to give to you"she smirked.

I shook off the thought,probably Hershel.

I hissed at the pain and sat down and Carol joined me,"she deserved it Rick told her not to shoot".

I smiled a little "she really needs to work on her aim".

"You missy need to work on your temper!"she laughed.

I smiled again at her,temper is a great asset in this world.

I just was going to see how Daryl was when T-Dog came down and said that Daryl wanted to see me.

At first I was confused but then I realised that Andrea was taken to Hershel and Hershel would be with Daryl so Daryl would have found out about me flipping out on Andrea.

I hesitated for a second before just going up to the house,Hershel let me in and I knocked on the door to where he said Daryl was.

I heard a mumbled "come in"before I allowed myself to open the door and step in.

I looked at him but I didn't know how he was going to react,he didn't have any sign of emotion on his face and when I sat down I didn't know what to think.

I felt as though I had been sent to the headmasters office.

"Are you okay?"I smiled rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'm fine,how's your right hook?".

"Oh god,you got Carol the ice to give to me didn't you?".

"Well that was one hell of a punch"he spoke looking at my hand.

"I suppose,would say the same about her aim but"I laughed.

He smiled a little,"I heard from Carol that you gave her a right mouthful".

"How's your arm?"I changed the subject,"alright I guess".

"So are you gonna be in here tonight?"I asked.

"Heck no,I ain't no damn pet".

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