Chapter 5 - Sharing is Caring

Start from the beginning

“Please take a seat and we’ll be with you in a moment” He stated calmly motioning to the empty room

Nodding again I stepped inside, the room was a plain white colour with a single metal table seated in the middle with three chairs surrounding it. I took the single seat at the table and shivered slightly as my skin came in contact with the cold metal chair.

Looking around again there was a mirror on the wall directly in front of me, I’d seen enough crime shows and movies to guess that the mirror was actually one-sided glass with a group of people on the other side observing and recording my every move.

Leaning my elbows on the metal table I stared into the reflective mirror at my appearance, my bright blue hair seemed to stand out even more than usual in the dull room making my skin look smooth. What stood out the most were my eyes, their bright blue colour seemed to catch the vivid white lights glow making them shine slightly.

The door opening snapped me back to reality as Mack and Samson strolled into the room both holding folders, with saying anything they closed the door behind them and took the seats in front of me.

Raising my eyebrow at them Samson cleared his throat and opened his folder taking a piece of paper out, he slid it over to me across the table.

Looking down I noticed it was a photo. Knotting his hands together on the top of the table he leaned in slightly, “I’m going to cut right to the case here Miss Sterling, do you know this man?”

Picking up the paper I stared at photo, it was of a man seemingly in his late forties with greying hair and a pair of cold empty eyes that I could never forget. Memories flashed through my mind causing me to flinch visibly. Setting it down I looked back up to Samson and Mack, “Yes” was my simple reply

Nodding Mack took a piece of paper from his folder and held it up, “How is it that you came across this drawing?”

“I drew it”

Both men seemed a little surprised by my answer and looked down at their files, Samson spoke up, “We had no idea you could draw, this wasn’t mentioned in your file at all…” He trailed off sounding like he was sharing his inner thoughts

Something about his statement bothered me, sitting up a little straighter a slight frown made its way onto my face, “Just because you read my file doesn’t mean you know me” I stated flatly

They seemed to be taken aback by my statement but quickly recovered before moving onto the other questions, “How long have you been working for Mr Damon Link, do you deal for him?” Samson asked

Leaning back slightly I frowned, “Wait what? Who is Damon Link? I’m unemployed I don’t work for anyone…”

This time Mack spoke, “If you do not work for him than how do you know this man?” he gestured to my drawing and the photo

Looking down at the metal table I focused on the slightly scratched surface, “Like I said back at the apartment, he’s the man that killed my mother”

A look of sympathy crossed Mack’s face, “Max your mother died in a car accident…”

My gaze shifted back to the table’s surface, I was going to have to tell them what really happened that day. Running a hand through my hair I shook my head I looked back up and meet both men’s gazes, “She didn’t die in the car accident…”

Confusion was clearly written on each of the men’s faces as they urged me to continue and explain what I meant.

“Two years ago, about a month before my 17th birthday my mother and I were looking through some of her old stuff and I stumbled across her old bucket list, one of the things on the list was to dye her hair a crazy colour. As you can tell I decided to mark that one off the list for her. That day on the way back from the hairdressers, we were driving home and we drove through an intersection. It was the middle of the day and this part of the road was deserted for some reason, the light was green so we just drove straight through. Because of the angle of the car we didn’t see another car emerge in the intersection. The car crashed into the side of ours making the air bags go off, my mum was fine but my head hit the passengers side window knocking me out for about a minute. When I came too my mother was checking me for injuries, I had a couple of cuts and bruises from broken glass and a nasty bump on my head. Mum was fine though, her air bag had saved her – like me she only had a couple of scraps and cuts from the broken windshield. We could hear the sirens in the background so my mum told me to stay in the car. Because my mother was a paramedic she got out off the car to see if the other driver was okay” I paused for a moment to catch my breath, “I watched as she pulled a limp body from the car that had crashed into us, it was a man. He wasn’t breathing so my mother performed CPR. She saved him. Within a minute he was awake and breathing normally, I heard my mother ask and see if he was okay. I could barely hear them over the sound of the sirens getting closer. Next thing I know is he jumps up and starts yelling at my mother saying that she shouldn’t have seen his face and then-” I cut myself off before a sob could squeeze through my throat

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