Chapter 16

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Gladion's POV

I am really starting to worry. All this time I thought Hau was just in In School Suspension with Mr.Burgh. When the police came to talk to me that's when I became worried.

I was about to get on Mr.Burgh for like kidnapping him or doing something completely worse to him, but he said he left to go use the bathroom, came back, and Hau was gone.

He told me he assumed he was trying to skip I.S.S, but when he asked almost every single teacher where he was, they said they never saw him. Even some of the janitors didn't see him while cleaning.

That's when he called the police to help search for him, but that was also no use because they also couldn't find him anywhere.

I don't know why Hau would run anyway like them, and in worried sick because Arceus knows where that kid is. For all I know he could've... Think positive Gladion, he's missing, he hasn't been found dead.


Well I was on my way home at the moment because they had released us early thinking the reason why he went missing was because somebody kidnapped him. I don't think so... I think he ran away because of the referral he got. He knows he's not the type of person to get stuff like that.

Mr. Burgh really could've given him a detention or just a warning. That guy is always over exaggerating when it comes to dealing with late students.

  I...I just really pray Hau is going to be okay... I rea-  "Silvally?" I spoke.

I saw the big dog dashing towards me like something was chasing him. When he got up to me he kept on jumping up and down and barking. "Silvally calm down! Are you hungry or something?"

He nodded his head now and continued to jump up and down. "Well I d-" I felt him bite down on my hand and started to run someplace. He was almost dragging me on How fast he was running.

"Silvally slow down! I can't keep up with your speed!!!" I hollered.

He still didn't slow down one bit. I just kept on running, I trust him, I know he isn't going to take me to someplace dangerous.

Then he finally slowed down and took me into the small pathway in the woods, I heard slight so- "Hau?" I called out.

I know it was him, who else would Silvally take me to? The sight... He was crying, his breathing wasn't regular, his hair was down and it was a complete mess, like he was running for agesp. I removed my hand from Silvally's mouth and quietly and slowly walked towards him.

I gently placed my hand on the side of his head, sinking my fingers into his soft silky hair. "Hau?" I called him again.

He turned around slowly and jumped into my arms making me fall back onto Silvally. I felt him cry harder and it got louder. He hugged he tight and I could feel him shake. His breathing was terribly fast, and on top of that he was heaving heavily.  "Gladion... Gladion I-I'm so g-glad you're h-here..." I heard him whisper.

"Hau what's going on? Why-" I tried to pull him away from my chest to speak to him more clearer, but I could feel he was hanging on to me for dear life.

"N-No Gladion, please don't pull away.... You're the only thing I have left....!" His voice got higher only slightly at the last word he spoke.

I ran my hand through his hair in attempt to calm him down. I know I couldn't do anything else to calm him down. He was too worked up and I'm positive it wouldn't work if I just bluntly told him to calm down.

I still don't know why he ran away, I know Hau getting a referral is a big deal because he's to pure to do anything wrong. Now that I think about it. Oh my gosh... It's all my fault.

"Hau.... None of this is your fault... I-it's all mine..." I whispered, pulling him in tighter. 

"Hau I think you know this.... It's all my fault. I was the reason why you skipped class. I didn't get caught because I went to the clinic for almost passing out. I still technically skipped class-"

"Don't pull yourself into this, Gladion. Please." I felt lift his head up from my chest and placed it gently on my arm. He lifted my hand up and began to run his other one around the ring he gave me.

"The reason why I ran away...." he sighed, sinking himself into me.

"I got a referral... I tore it up because I refused to bring one to Grandpa Hala, but then he just gave...." he took a deep breath, but it didn't sound write. It sounded like he went out of breath.

I heard him begin to cry again, I felt him start to shake and he held onto my hand tighter. "Hau what is it? What did he gi-"

  "I got expelled."

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now