Chapter 6

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Gladion's POV

Maybe I was too hard on him. The whole day I felt extremely guilty on what I did. Every time the bell would ring, I would see him look so confused and scared. I think he was used to being on the bottom floor.

I bet he was always about 20 or 30 minutes late to each and every classroom he went to. I just feel so horrible for doing that to him. I mean, he did kind of take it the wrong way, but I didn't have to react like that.

I just wish I could controll how I act for once. I don't necessarily have that much friends, actually I don't really have any at all now that I think about it. Just people I know and people who know me. He was being extremely open and kind to me. It was a gift. An opportunity, but I refused.

I'm just so difficult that's why. Why is it that when someone tries to be friends with me, I just brush them off, even though I'm looking for a friend almost everyday.

Just, whenever somebody is nice to me, I'm never the same to them. Its always I do something rude to them and then they don't speak to me ever again.

I sighed and rested my elbow on my counter. "Why must I be so difficult..." I sighed.

I felt something furry hit my sides. I looked down and saw my big white piece of joy try to tuck his head under my arm.

I looked over and saw Silvally's pokeball opened, I guess I felt a little bad for not saying hi to him before leaving. "Hey buddy, sorry for not greeting you this morning, I was so caught up to just getting there I didn't say hi!" I had smiled.

I leaned down so I could get face to face with him. I began to pet him on the sides and when I did that he opened his big dumb mouth and began to chew on my hair. "Silvally no!!! Not the hair!" I hollered, pushing him away.

I couldn't push him that far away because he was a big dumb adorable dog and he was technically the only thing I had so I didn't want him mad at me.

He hoofed his way over to me and pushed me down to the floor. "S-Silvally what on earth-???"

That's when I felt his warm aura crawl under my arms and just lay down in my lap, falling right to sleep.

I don't understand, does he know that I'm upset? Can pokemon smell that on you or something?? I don't know it looks like it, but at the same time I don't have that great of a grade in science.

I just decided to just calm down and lay down with him. There was nothing else to do, and I was really tired after what happened today. Well that's what I thought I was going to do, lay down and sleep until hopefully 6 next morning. That's when my phone on the counter began to ring.

I reached my arms up as far as possible trying not to bother Silvally. I grabbed it and examined the phone number.

It didn't quite look familiar, but I answered it anyways.


"Gladion! What I'm doing right now is really expensive right know you know!!!"

"Lillie? Why are you calling me?"

"Hala just called me telling me you where being rude to Hau?????" Lillie scolded.

"What? How do you know Hau? Who the hell is Hala???"

"That's Hau's grandpa! Gladion I know you can be short but I heard Hau was really trying to be nice to you and you just shoved him because he was blushing and smiling at you!!!"

"Well he took it the wrong way... I'm not like that, I don't like him in that way,"

"Wha- Not like that? Gladion-! You told me you where gay like three days ago!!!" Lillie hollered.

"I know what I said Lillie it came out of my mouth!" I yelled back, waking up Silvally slightly.

"You know you have that kid a emotional break down because he was trying his hardest to be friends with you but you just shoved him away!!?!?!?" Lillie screamed.

  He had an emotional break down....? Just because of what I did yesterday...? I can't believe I caused somebody to have an emotional break down...

"Gladion? Gladion!!!! Gladion I'm wasting my money right now calling you from a completely different region!!!!"

"I have to go," I said abruptly hanging up the phone.

Did you think I was kidding

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now