Chapter 5

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Hau's POV

Lets just say, the rest of the day was really awful after what happened today. I missed the bus... again.... And I'm walking home. Its already been about 2 hours.

I know what happened at lunch today wasn't all that much, but for me, I felt something that I usually don't feel most of the time. It was something like, sadness.

I didn't mean to take him putting his hand on my shoulder personally, maybe I should have not just invited him over to us. I didn't even finish my malasada after that I was so upset.

All the things I thought about him, his eyes and how they looked almost exactly like emeralds. His hair looked so soft I really just wanted to run my fingers through them. I know that's extremely weird to say about a guy but...

I just sighed, I saw my house door and let myself in. I saw my Grandpa Hala cooking something and singing as usual in the kitchen. "Hey grandpa," I greeted, on my way to walk up the stairs.

"Hey Hau! Wait where are you going in such a hurry?!" He stopped me.

I sunk a little towards the ground, or the steps, hanging onto the rail. "I just want to be alone today," I replied.

"But you're not your usual happy and cheery self! What's wrong Hau?"

"Nothing Grandpa,"


"I'm going upstairs, knock if you need me," I cut him off and continued on up stairs. 

I went to the door of my room, opened it, closed it, then just plopped into my bed.

I continuously began to just daydream up at the ceiling. I felt uncomfortable because I very rarely feel sad or unhappy. Its always just happy.

"You're feeling rejected," I heard my granpa at at my door and my door was wide opened.

"Uhh how did you know I was talking about that?"

"You were talking out loud. Did you think you where talking to yourself??" Grandpa replied.

Well, that's embarrassing, that means he heard everything I said. Hau always double check.

I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. "What happened, Hau?" He walked over to the other side of my bed.

"I don't know, if I tell you, I don't know how you'll react," I sighed.

"Hau, I heard everything you said, how many time do you want me to repeat that?"

I just looked away from him I turned extremely red. I guess I had to tell him, there wasn't really a way around it.

"Well, since I got a new a schedule, this guy named Gladion has been taking me to all my classes. Today at lunch I saw him sitting by himself, I invited him over, and then I realized he had a Malasada, you know how much a love those..." I smiled, but I realized I was getting to the bad part.

"He let me have it, I stuffed may face in it, then he put his arm on my shoulder and my arm to stop me from doing that... I always mess things up, Hala!" I began to freak out and I squeezed the side of my head.

I felt unnatural, I've never had a breakdown like this. It's over something so small also, I feel so stupid.

"Hau! Get a hold of yourself! I can't help you if you don't finish the story!"

"I just, I began to get really hot, he took it the wrong way and shoved me, moving to a different table, he hasn't talked to me since and it was really hard to find all my classes the rest of the day," I decided to calm myself down and I laid my back on the wall.

"He shoved you? If he wants to do that then he can-"

"No no no no!!! Don't hurt him! I'm sure he didn't mean it Grandpa,"

"But it's obviously a problem if you're having an emotional breakdown about him!"

"No I- W-wait what? No you didn't understand! That's not why I'm angry!" I said

"Then- wait a minute..." he stopped.

He stood in his tracks for a while. He had that face on that showed he was really thinking deeply about something. Who knows what it was about I guess. "Uhh Grandpa Hala-"

"Do you have a crush on Gladion?"

That stunned me. Oh Arcues, maybe I do. All those things I say about him, I think I may. That's so weird. I knew that the way I felt was so strange. It didn't feel right to feel that way towards somebody the same gender as me. "Come on Hau, answer the question,"

"I think I do,"

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now