Chapter 8

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The TV volume seemed to go way up, but that may have been my were senses going on high alert. I scrambled off the bed, grabbed the remote from the floor, and turned the TV off. My racing heartbeat filled the silence. I told myself not to panic. It could be another guest getting the wrong door. I glanced at the red numbers on the alarm clock: 9:42 PM.

Whoever it was knocked again.

I set down the remote and slowly approached the door, listening intently. I could detect breathing and a slightly elevated heartbeat. With my nose an inch from the seam around the door, I took a deep breath.

The most delicious scent slowly filled my entire mind. It was better than even my favorite foods had ever smelled. It was better than anything I had ever smelled in nature, and I couldn't even identify it with any previously known smell. I was stunned.

Mate? Actual, real mate? Is that possible?

Cautiously, I asked, "Who is it?" not loud enough for a human to hear.

A man's voice came through the door, hushed, reverent. "Ellsbeth."

The name I gave James?

He paused, and I thought I heard him running his finger down the wood of the door. "Please open the door. My name is Cade. I think you are my mate."

His voice slid into my ears like smooth soft butter, making me feel warm and comforted. But I didn't trust it.

Fate had dealt me the worst of cards before. There had to be something wrong with this man as well. Maybe Fate was sending all the worst male weres to me thinking I'm their mate so they would kill each other fighting over me. It sounded just as likely to happen as me being Colton's mate but him not being mine.

But I felt the pull this time. There was no way I wasn't opening the door with that scent dancing around the seams. I expected a nasty surprise on the other side, but there was only one way to find out.

Slowly, I pulled the chain across the track and placed it just so. My hands lowered to the lock and turned the deadbolt back, causing a clicking noise that sent a shocking vibration through my body. I pushed down on the handlebar, opened the door very slowly, only about a foot wide, and looked out.

Before me stood a tall man, an extremely attractive tall man. His arms were up, pressing on the sides of the door frame as if he was holding himself back from barging in. My initial overall impression was fighter, but he wasn't a really big one. He was clearly fit but not bulked up, more of a runner or swimmer's build, but still powerful. He would have dexterity as well as strength. I immediately wanted all 6'2" of him pressed against me.

A black long-sleeved T-shirt stretched across his chest since his arms were up and spread. He wore black cargo pants and heavy boots. I realized this attire contributed to my initial military impression.

His hair was dark brown, almost black, and cut short, perhaps two inches long. It stuck up in different directions somewhat, giving the impression he didn't care much about it. That was good because I want to run my fingers through it and grip it when he was kissing me, which I hoped would happen very soon.

His skin was darker than mine, and I had a good bit of color myself. His eyes were a deep dark blue. I felt the urge to just stare at his eyes, even though they were moving over my form, checking me out as I had been doing to him.

If he is evil, I'm going over to the Dark Side. Sorry.

A small feeling of regret that he had found me in my loose flannel pajamas with little polar bears all over them flitted into my mind. They were decidedly not sexy. I threw the thought away. If he was really my true mate, he would be attracted to me no matter what I was wearing.

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