Prologue~ Pre-teens

Start from the beginning

"Wait, no I-hah!" Jungkook cried in pain as his father kneed him directly in his stomach, making him tumble to the floor. The abuse continued, with Jungkook's mother cheering his father on in the background, until little Jungkook started coughing up blood.

"First you waste our money, now you ruin our floor. You absolute useless fag," his father growled." We're kicking you out. You bring nothing but trouble and pain." With that, he kicked Jungkook out into the alleyway by their house and slammed the door shut. Even in his half-conscious state, Jungkook could hear them laughing at him from inside the house. He tried to get up, but only managed to collapse again. Everything was turning blurry...

Jimin(age 9)

Jimin was skipping home from school, extremely happy because his music teacher had praised his ability to reach extremely high notes, as high as his grades.(T/N: Lol) He couldn't wait to go home and tell his parents the nice news. So, as soon as he got home, he slammed open the front door and jumped onto his mother as soon as he saw her.

"Mom, mom, mommy!!!! Guess what! My music teacher said my voice is pretty and she praised me for being able to reach really high notes and that made me so proud and I really like singing and-"

"Jimin dear, you're going to bite off my ear with all that nonsense talking, slow down. And calm down too," his mother said softly, looking behind her back adoringly at her little Mochi. Jimin giggled and repeated what he just said, slowly. His mother looked very proud, and told him she would tell his father when he got home if Jimin let her cook in peace.

"Fine," Jimin had grumbled, " then can I go play in the playground just a few blocks down the street? I'll be careful!" His mother sighed, and reluctantly nodded.

"Come home by 5:30pm," She said, and Jimin eagerly nodded. He barreled out the door as fast as he had dashed in, almost knocking over a few china vases in the process. Jimin prances, literally, to the playground, but no one really paid him any attention so it wasn't as embarrassing. He played at the playground for quite a while, until he finally looked at his Dooly watch-which, by the way, was a gift from his father for looking like that darn dinosaur. It was 5:35pm.

"OH MY GAWD(kids don't swear, lol)" Jimin screeched." I'M LATE AND MY MOM WILL KILL ME!" That earned him a few strange looks, but Jimin couldn't care less right now. He had to get home fast, or he would be scolded for sure. At least, he tried to be fast. But being the curious little kid he was, he just HAD to check what the bundle of stuff in the alleyway opposite the playground was. It wasn't a pretty sight for Jimin though. He flinched away from the bloody body, inwardly screaming, until he noticed two things: One, it was a young boy, what the heck. And two, that boy wasn't dead after all.

"Oh my heaven- heck, are you okay? Hello?" Jimin asked, a little concerned for the boy. He didn't get a response. "You're making this harder on me, aren't you." Jimin sighed and ran a hand through his orange hair. Because he had a such a soft heart, he couldn't just leave the boy to die. So he did the first thing that came to mind- he carried the unknown boy home. Needless to say, his mother was fuming.

"What in the world were you thinking, Jimin?! You had me so worried, I was gonna call the police-Oh heavens, what did you bring home?!" his mother stopped her scolding when she noticed the small boy on Jimin's back. Jimin told his little story of finding the boy in the alleyway, and tentatively asked his mother a question, because he really was too nice for his own good.

"Mom...can we keep him? (T/N: I just realized how this sounds like Jungkook is a pet. Oh well.:D)At least until he recovers. Maybe adopt him? He looks so broken," Jimin whispered. His mother quickly took the boy from Jimin and brought him  upstairs to the guest room, with Jimin following closely.

"Of course, Jimin. What do you take me for, a heartless mother? This little one's staying whether your father likes it or not. Though I think he won't mind," his mother firmly stated while undressing the boy to tend to the multiple wounds. Luckily, none were severe enough that a trip to the hospital was required.

"Thank you mom," Jimin murmured softly as his mother finished bandaging the last of the wounds. "I'll look after him."

"No need to thank me, dear. I'm letting you off the hook this time, but next time you come home late, you're getting a good scolding. And you should come and eat first, then you can look after him. May be even sleep in the room if you want." his mother said and lead Jimin downstairs to eat, closing the door softly behind her.

Around one and a half days later, afternoon(cause I'm lazy -_-)

"Mmm..." Jimin hears the boy rousing and thinks, "Finally!!!" Said boy cutely snuffled into the pillow, making Jimin laugh. The boy's eyes shoot open upon hearing that, and realizing he doesn't know where he is, the boy sat up quickly and curled up into a ball wincing at the injuries.

"P-p-please don't hurt me..." he whimpered out, trembling immensely, breaking Jimin's heart.

"No, no, no. I won't hurt you," Jimin quickly said, and the boy relaxes a bit. "But, what's your name? And how did you end up so injured in that alleyway where I found you?"

"I-I'm Jeon"Jungkook stopped, hesitantly looking at Jimin. Jimin just smiled a warm eye smile at the bunny-nosed boy.

"You can trust me, Kookie. Can I call you that? And I'm Jimin." Jungkook nodded at this, and hesitantly continued.

"Um. M-m-my foster parents....they....they hurt me, and threw me into the alleyway..." Kookie whispered. Jimin suddenly looked extremely angry, making Jungkook think he said something wrong.

"I-I-I'm sorry Jimin, um, hyung. Please, please don't bring me back to my parents!" Jungkook pleaded, looking incredibly broken for a child. Jimin sighed.

"Pabo, I wasn't angry at you. Your parents are horrible! I'll make sure you stay with me. Hyung will protect you now!" Jimin declared. Jungkook looked up at him hopefully.


"Yes, obviously. I have a heart you know."

"Thank you Jiminie!"

"It's hyung. Jiminie HYUNG."


"I said-ugh. Screw you, Jungkook."

And that's how Jimin's mother ended up adopting Jungkook through a lot of paperwork which Jungkook's previous foster parents happily signed. That's how Jimin managed to mend Jungkook's heart. For now, at least. And that'd also why Jungkook trusts Jimin more than anyone, and has only Jimin as a friend.


Sorry. But prepare for more angst. Sorry(not sorry)

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