44. Of Princesses and Princes

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A few months later

Pia and I stared into the mirror in our dresses, mine grey and hers pink with flowers going down the side. Pia blew kisses at her reflection.

"I must say I look good."

"You look okay," I teased.

"You can stop lying. I look amazing."

The door opened and Ryan's head popped inside. "Are you two dressed?" He said with his eyes closed.

"Yeah. Come in."

He walked in, wearing a suit, but stopped when he saw Pia and I could understand why. Her hair had been curled and her makeup was light so her natural beauty came out as well. Like she said, she looked amazing.

"Uh...wow...you," he stammered.

Pia winked at me. "I knew I was breathtaking."

"Maybe he's horrified," I grinned.

"No. You look amazing," he whispered.

"That's what I said!" Pia exclaimed.

He walked up to her hesitantly as if she was some precious statue. Too bad she wasn't. That would mean she'd be quiet. The blush forming on Pia's cheeks told me I'd better run or get scarred for life. Before I managed to leave the room, Ryan gave me a message.

"Tell Hadrian that his crowning starts in ten minutes."

"Who said I was going to him?" Both Pia and Ryan gave me disbelieving looks. "Fine. I'll tell him if I see him."

Hadrian's father owned a mansion on an Italian island and we had been invited to attend Hadrian's crowning there. The event was going to be filmed and broadcasted on the supernatural news so Pia and I had taken extra care with our appearance. However, the black heels I had on weren't making it easy to run and find Hadrian's room.

After running for what felt like miles, I reached a door with guards standing on the outside. I waved, nervously as they watched me.

"Hi. Erm...I'm just going to go in...," I slowly went past them and into the room. Actually, it wasn't a room. It was an apartment inside a house with a staircase. A freaking staircase. It was plain room with the windows wide open, showing off the sea.

A thud drew my attention to upstairs. Then a string of swearing.

"Hadrian?" I called.

"I'm coming!"

He jogged down the stairs to meet me. I smiled at him then frowned. "You're not ready yet."

"Nice to see you too, princess," he said, not at all listening but instead was looking me up and down smirking.

"Your crowning is in six minutes and you haven't even got a shirt on."

"I've got shoes and pants on."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Get dressed now."

Hadrian did as I said but complained. "What's the point of you telling me to wear clothes if you're going to take them off me?"

"You're disgusting."

"That's not what you said last night. What was it again? Oh Ha-"

I covered his mouth with my hand. "Shut the f*ck up."

Peeling my hand away, he leaned closer to me. "Make me."

As much as I would love to do the cliché move of kissing him, I opted for the more simple approach. I walked towards the door. "Bye."

"Wait!" Hadrian grabbed my arm and turned me around. "Don't go. I'll be quiet."

"Good boy," I said, patting his head then threw him his grey tie.

"Manipulative, evil, cruel girl," he grumbled.

"That's not what you said last night either."

"I know. It went like thi-"

I kicked him with my heel. He didn't flinch or even looked like he felt it but he stopped talking. "You're such a d*ck."

"Yet you're my girlfriend, princess."

"Quick question. Why do you call me that?"

"Because I'm a prince and you're mine making you a princess. Duh. I thought you were smart."

"I'm resisting the urge to hit you."

"There are many ways to release anger. One of them is sex."

I stuck my middle finger at him. "I could also scratch your car."

"You wouldn't," Hadrian gasped sarcastically.

"I totally would. Now, can we go? It starts in...three minutes."

"All in good time," he muttered grinning. "I don't think I've told you how f*cking beautiful you look."

"Thank you," I replied, trying to control my blush.

"All you need is one thing..." His hands closed together then opened to reveal a silver crown. He placed it on my head. "You suit my crown."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean your crown?"

"That is my crown," he repeated slowly as if I was the one being stupid.

"Hadrian, it's supposed to be in the box which your dad will open, expecting to see this crown."

"Exactly. That means they'll have to look for it giving me some extra time."

"To do wha-"

His mouth crashed into mine as he pulled me towards him. My arms automatically wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer. One of his hands ran up my leg through the slit in my dress while the other went around my waist. Somehow his suit jacket ended up on the floor along with his tie.

"This is worth being late for," he mumbled against my lips then lifted me to lie me on the sofa. He hovered over me and smiled. "I love you, princess"

"Love you too."

Then we made sure we were an hour late.


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