...I was right...

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Hei babes!
Sorry for no update since a long time... Hope you like this one. Please comment!
Lots of love Vally Xx


Amandas POV

As I woke up I realized I was laying against Gabbes chest. I tried to move around but I couldn't because every time I did his grip got tighter. After the fourth time I tried to get out of his grip he woke up. And first thing he did was he smiled down on me. But then he looked up and saw something he didn't expect at least not as much as I could read out of his expression. I looked around and saw Step in the room and the other boys right behind him. "I knew it!" he said while a huge grin appeared on his face. Gabbe looked at Manu because he thought he said something. But soon he made it clear "Woow! When did you two came home?" he said followed by "its almost 6pm." from Mike. Anyway they soon went out and they even managed Step to get out of the room so we could wake up completely. I looked at him "Gabbe?" I started but had no idea how to continue so I trailed a bit but he didn't let me to. "Whats wrong beauty?" he asked and I started "What does this mean?" I was pointing at us while I asked and he knew what I was thinking about. "That means that you wont get rid of me so soon." He smiled and kissed me. Even though I had no idea what he said I kissed him back. We got up a while after and I went into my room. I blew him a kiss before I left.

3th POV

As she got into her room she started to think about everything that has happened last night. And the fact that she didn't mind anything made her even a bit happy. She managed to get her thoughts together and looked around the room. She found a note from Eve. It said: "Hey Am! Me and Gustav went out but we will be soon back. Promise! Love you lots Eve Xx" She started to wonder since when they two are actually hanging out and dating. Are they a couple or are they just friends? While she laid down on bed she drifted into memories. It seemed like a second as Gabbe smashed the door behind him. As she looked up she saw him a bit sad. "Babe?" He said and she replayed "Yea. Whats wrong?" He just looked down "I got to work today. We need to go on a stupid radio station and make some interview. I'm really sorry babe! The planes we had.." She cut him off "Yea babe, what about our fucking plans? What about them? Have you totally forgot it's the last freaking day, have you?" with every word she said she became louder and louder. Until he kissed her, she became silent but yet he said "I'm sorry, if I could choose I would stay. You know that!" she looked mad at him and moved his hands off her hips "You choose! Now go. We don't want you to be late for the interview, will we?". Gabbe tried to give her a hug before he left but she just turned around and avoided any contact. So he just said "fuck this shit" and ran out...

#meanwhile on the other side of the "civilisation"

Gustav and Eve decided to go on a lunch and later to the movies. Since they had a lot in common the topics of the conversations they held were fast found. There was even time for a kiss or two. Anyway, everything seemed perfect until they went into a restaurant to order food. It was a new and luxuries restaurant but they tried to get in. As it's normal they were already stopped by the door. With the excuse "You are not dressed properly to enter." But Gustav didn't really give up on that. He even teased the waiter "Why not sir? Are my jeans to blue for your taste or her t-shirt too purple?" Eve started to laugh right away since she knew what he was doing. The man tried to stay polite and explained "Sir it's not the colour. It's the fact that they look trashy. And miss you could enter in here, if I think a couple things away." As he heard that explanation he got an idea "Let's make a deal... If I make you curse in the next 5 minutes we can get in. Ok?" the waiter agreed. Since he thought something like that will never happen. But oh boy, he was so wrong. Gustav made everything that was possible until the one word escaped from the waiters mouth "FUCK!" They started to laugh at the same time and the men accepted his failure. Everything else was great after that. As they arrived at the movies Eve checked her phone and saw a massage from Am.

He needs to work :( Even thou he promised he would stay! And I can't find Lilly anywhere. When will you be home? Please answer ASAP!
Am Xx"

Eve replied immediately and Gustav saw something was not the way she planned it. "Gabbe is working! And it's the last day you are here..." He looked at her in shock "What? He said that nothing will make him go to work today. Not even if he starts a war..." She looked in disbelieve. "Well guess not!"

"Hey sugar,
We are on our way back home! Ice cream and chocolate + movie time?
Eve Xx"

She looked up and said "We need to go to her! You know that I would love to stay and watch the movie with you..." He smiled and she started to talk and talk and talk like this. Then when he had enough he grabbed her tight and gave her a long kiss on her lips. "I know all of this..." He said while he released the kiss and grabbed her hand. "Guess we need a lot of chocolate and ice cream!" He said and smiled. She asked why and his answer was everything else as expected "We are 3..." she started to laugh at that answer and they soon had all they needed and were on the way to Am...

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