a nighttime adventure

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I looked at India, she looked healthier, she was laughing sitting, with juliet, I smiled and looked at her T-shirt, I gasped, it was a BVB t-shirt, boy was Juliet sneaky, but how did she know, I saw India looking at me and I turned away talking to Jinxx and Jake about our next show, I heard India excuse herself, and I went to sit with Juliet, “your horrible, you know that?” Juliet pretended to be hurt, “yeah right, as if you don’t like it, anyway, it’s not like its not obvious, by the way and anyway, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I simply wanted her to support the band.” I smiled and then quickly frowned, “what do you mean it’s obvious?” “Well its obvious isn’t it?” she smiled and walked away, I sank into the sofa, crap.

I sat on the sofa for a while, on my laptop, I updated a few things, apparently someone had seen us in the hospital and people were freaking out, I told them it was just a friend who was ill and shut down the computer, when it was time for us to all eat dinner, we went to a restaurant with our hoods up over our faces, India looked at us with an amused look on her face, juliet followed but wasn’t as covered up as we all were, she was more normal looking than us, with our big black hair and leather outfits, juliet had been with India in the bathroom for hours, apparently she wouldn’t give up on giving India a makeover, and had said, she wouldn’t let any of us in so we were pretty much in the dark as to what they were doing in there, god I hoped she didn’t go to overboard. India was wearing a hood as well and looked at the food the entirety of dinner, she barely ate so I asked the waitress to wrap it up, I would give it to her later, she had to eat, doctors orders.

India’s POV

Juliet had gone way over the top, plucking my eyebrows and even cutting my hair, placing rough layers everywhere, I was sure that I would be bald by the end, then she did my make up and told me to get changed, not letting me look in a mirror, when I was done, dressed in shorts and ripped tights, a baggy t-shirt with the words “rebel” on it and bracelets up my arm as well as a necklace around my neck with a black inverted cross pendant on it, my make up was light except my heavily lined eyes and pink lips and my hair was 5 inches shorter, with a short fringe and layers, I secretly loved it but I acted as If I couldn’t care, I secretly also wanted CC to like it, god I was in trouble, I couldn’t bear to show anyone yet so I put on my grey hoodie and kept looking at the floor, I didn’t want to eat so I pushed the food around my plate making shapes with the pasta, I knew CC would be angry but I wasn’t hungry and the food didn’t look appetising, I blushed when he asked for it to be wrapped up and I knew that I was going to have to eat it later, it was getting late and apparently they had a show the next day, so we all went back to the bus and everyone started getting ready to go to bed, I was in the bathroom waiting for the shower to warm up when there was a knock on the door, I called out “ill be done in 5 sorry” I said but then I heard CCs voice “can I come in?” uhh sure I said unlatching the door and sliding it open he stepped in and closed the door, I realised how small this bathroom really was, there was less than 2 feet between us, “sorry, I just couldn’t eat the pasta, it tasted funny, I’m so sorry I will pay you back when…”

“no that’s not what I want to talk about” he said taking a step towards me and pulling down my hood, he gasped clearly he hadn’t expected such a big difference, I turned my head away from him, looking at the floor, he used two fingers to lift up my chin and looked me in the eyes, he lent forward and whispered in my ear “you look wonderful” and then much louder “right, lets get you something to eat”

He led me towards the kitchen shouting “bathrooms free”, there was a few  groans, clearly we had woken up someone, CC spun me round and I fell onto the couch, I sat there as he looked through the fridge, “hmmm” he hummed “your not a vegetarian are you?” I shook my head, no. “okay then eggs and bacon it is, I smiled, he seemed so much happier than the last few days, he set bout cooking and I sniffed the air, the scent wafting over to me, I breathed in deeply and heard CC chuckle, my stomach groaned and he laughed even louder “get a room!” called Andy.

“get a life” shouted CC and I blushed, clearly the entire bus was listening to our conversation, once the eggs and bacon where done, and piled high on a plate CC took my hand and walked me outside calling back “eaves dropping isn’t polite” I laughed louder now, CCs face lit up, he pulled a torch out of his back pocket and shone the light on a bolder a few metres away, he looked at me and I nodded, we sat back against the rock and he handed me the plate, I began to eat, not bothering with cutlery simply picking up a piece of bacon and chewing on the end, It was like nectar, I suddenly felt a whole lot better, I smiled and began taking bigger bites, as I reached for the next one the plate was whipped away, CC held the plate up high and I reached up to get it, it was way to far out of reach, me and CC were roughly the same height but he was still 2 inches taller, “humph” I said crossing my arms and looking away “that’s mean” I smiled and I knew that CC was too, I turned round and saw that he was closer than I expected, neither of us backed away, he moved slightly forward and I quickly grabbed two pieces of bacon and shoved one in his mouth and began eating my own, his face looked shocked as I turned to se the bus practically shacking with laughter, the entire crew were sitting on the sofas watching us, I blushed bright red and turned to CC he was red as well but I guessed that it was because of the bacon, I laughed, and he stared at me, “what” , “you look cute when you smile” he said, I blushed even more and stood up, reaching out my hand for his, I helped him up and told him we were going on a walk, “okay” he said slowly as if I was mad, looking towards the bus and putting up his middle finger, I punched him lightly on the shoulder and we walked of, we talked about my past and his, he talked about how worried everyone was when I was in hospital, I laughed as if he was joking, eventually was got back to the bus, I was exhausted, “hmmm, the doctor told me not to let you do to much exercise, I guess I failed” ha, I laughed and started jogging on the spot, he frowned and picked me up bridle style, I gasped and he carried me into the bus and lay me on my bunk kissing the top of my head, I hoped it was dark enough for him not to be able to see me, as I blushed, I reckoned that half the van at least were still awake and I realised that they probably would have heard “night” he whispered as I shut my eyes “ni-” I tried to say but I yawned and my words were lost, he chuckled and shut the curtain leaving me bright red in the dark.

A new life (a blackveilbrides fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora