Will Wouldn't Stop Laughing So I Had No Backup

81 11 10

1) to Le Admin, how are you?
2) to nico: how did you spend your thanksgiving?

Hiya, jellybean! I'm doing alright right now. I'm sorry it took so long to get to this question.

Life's been busy and I've been dealing with a lot of shit. My little brother keeps trying to do stuff he shouldn't, as per usual. I went out of town for two weeks and now that I'm back I'm really sick which is no fun. I'm trying to catch up on school since I technically took my Christmas break early for that trip (I'm virtual schooled). Thank you for asking, buckeye :)

Will and I spent our Thanksgiving together with Livvy. We went down to the beach with some food we snatched from the dining pavilion and snuck it down with us.

Technically, we were supposed to each Thanksgiving dinner in the mess hall with everyone else, but this was our second Thanksgiving together and our first one since we unofficially adopted Livvy.

We wanted to make it a kind of family affair so we took some food and had a picnic on the beach. It was an amazing day until Livvy started throwing food at us.

I had stuffing in my hair for days.

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