Unlike Hayley, That Little Siren

103 13 8

To Nico
I have to question that you may have answered already
How would Bianca react to your dating Will would she care or would she just be like he's happy I'm happy

Bianca was always so hard to gauge about these sorts of things.

I believe because of our time period and her limited exposure to the current century, she would have been opposed to it.

She was very much like our mother in her traditionalist views and behaviors. Bianca always wanted things to be prim and proper; anything that was not the way it was intended to be was bad and should not be there.

Back in the thirties when we were young, being gay was a bad thing punishable by death, literally. We spent our early years hearing about how bad it was to be gay and how that was not the way things were designed. Not only that, but we were born in Italy where the Roman Catholic church was founded and we went to a Catholic school. That made things even more serious and dangerous for gay people.

Because of all of the influence we had and how Bianca lived for all things to be perfectly as they were intended, I do not believe she would have supported me.

But in the same instance, I do not believe she would have been cruel about it. Bianca always made her opinion known and she was not afraid of what others thought of her. She would have made it very clear she does not support us, but she would not have cut me out of her life. She would have even made a point to be courteous to Will for my sake.

She would give distasteful looks and I believe she would refuse to go to our wedding, whenever that will be. I do believe she would still have spent time with me and maybe even been friends with Will after some warming up.

I'm confident that, though she would not support us, she would have still loved me and been a part of my life.

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