Ellye Astro

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We were studying eclipses in school and I decided to make a character out of it!

Anyone remember the Astro twins, Ray and Dusk? Well this is their younger bro Ellye!

Name: Ellye Astro
Nickname: Ell
Age: 2 years younger then the twins
Gender: male
Sexuality: Gay gay gay much gay
Appearance: media^^
Personality: Shy, Submissive AF, Timid, easily excited, always worried, paranoid a lot, positive attitude 24/7, (once you get close to him) in need of attention all the time
Height: 4'11"
Likes: ASTROLOGY, girly clothes, star gazing, eclipses of course
Dislikes: his tail (it was a birth defect), humans (he's humaphobic ), people teasing him or making fun of him, being picked on (he has enough of his siblings doing it, others is just to much)
Crush: 'Open'

He's open for RP!
And remember that a comment, a vote and a follow are greatly appreciated!

Ashlee out!🎨

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