Clef Gold

53 4 23

I got an antique music box the other day and I've just fallen in love with the music from it, so I decided to skelefy it!

I don't think his description is legible so I'll write it in here too.

-can't speak words at all, all that comes out is musical sounds
-has a music box reel in his eye socket and all the rest of the mechanisms are in his skull
-his music box plays at a certain pace depending on his emotions
-likes card games
-all his bones except his skull are made of glass and gold
-partially blind
-gets embarrassed easily
-very submissive
-loves music boxes a lot
-gets along quite nicely with everyone
-doesn't like arguing with or upsetting people

And he's open for roleplay!
Remember that a comment, a vote and a follow are greatly appreciated!

Ashlee out!🎨

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