My undertale oc!!

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Here's my bio!

Name: Ashlee (Ash)

Age: 13

Species: (monster) Shapeshifter

Looks:She used to keep a human form when she was on the surface, but when she came to the underground, she likes to stick to her skeleton form, : she is slightly taller then Sans, wearing a red shoulder sweater, black tank top, grey-ish blue jeans, combat boots, a black Beenie with a red heart on it, grey fingerless  gloves, a black pearl necklace and a painter's palette ring, when her emotions get out of whack her left eye glows red, she doesn't glow her right eye for a reason that know one has ever found out

Personality: has a very hard time trusting people , is loyal, kind, shy, humerus, artistic, smart, has memory problems, easily scared, can't cook, blushes easily, protective of her friends, very gullible, believes in everyone unless they try to hurt someone close to her , gets emotional easily but acts tuff in front of her friends

Section they live in: the forest outside of the ruins

Occupation: is an artist and tries to sell her work but business is slow

Special attack: paint splash attacks, color blasters (like gaster blasters)

Backstory: She was an experiment in a lab on the surface, one of many, she had been made of murdered monsters' dust and animated with pure INSPIRATION. She had been tortured and tested on for days, weeks, maybe months... She had finally escaped and had been on the run for a while. She had shifted into the form of a human during the day to blend in and not rise suspicion and at night she took the form of an animal for quicker progress. She had heard of a mountain that lead to a place where monsters live in peace without humans, that was her destination, Mt. Ebott. Once she arrived she tried shifting into something that could easily soar down the giant hole in the mountain but for some reason she couldn't shift after many aggravating attempts to shift, she gave up and began climbing down the hole... Only to slip on a vine and fall. Waking up in a patch of golden flowers that must've surprisingly broken her fall, she continued on her path...

Strengths: cunning and sly and quite handy with a pencil or paintbrush

Fears: resets, death, labs, loosing her friends, being left out

Extra: her soul is red but has black paint splatters on it , has a (possible) crush on Sans, has sudden flashbacks of past time lines that scare her a lot, she loves to be alone in the forest and draw (mostly her visions)

Kinda depressing I know... I'm sorry it's just suiting.

Remember that a comment, a vote and a follow are greatly appreciated!

Ashlee out!🎨

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