Ichigo couldn't help but laugh. "What?" Ichigo pulled the three into an uncomfortable hug. "I thought I had actually done something wrong. You all actually had me worried there for a moment."

Ron broke out of the hug. "We're being serious."

"Oh come on; Granger, Weasley, Potter, what in the world gave you the idea that I'm a death eater?" Their expressions quickly turned flustered.

"We heard Binns and Nick talking about how you were sent to spy on Harry Potter, and that they were scared to go anywhere near you. And we see the way some of the other teachers look at you," Hermione explained.

Ichigo sighed. "Oh you poor children. Alright, come with me," Harry, Ron and Hermione were hesitant. What if he was leading them to their doom? What if he was going to lead them to a trap and dispose of them? Despite their better judgement, they followed the man anyway, forgetting about their next class. Curiosity did kill the cat, or in this case, three naive students.

He lead them to his chambers and the four of them entered silently. They took their seats on the couch and armchair in front of the fireplace, Ichigo in the latter, understandably. "I am not a death eater, first and foremost, quite the opposite, actually. But, I am spying on you three, and I suppose Binns and Nick do have a good reason to be frightened of me."

"And why is that?" Ron asked.

"Let's just say that I have certain... assets, that they do not find very appealing."

"And what could those possibly be to scare a ghost?" Hermione asked.

"Always the clever one, always asking the right questions," Ichigo replied. "My background is very unusual, and it might be a bit hard to grasp. I find myself struggling to find a way to explain, actually," Ichigo took a moment to think. If he had the time, he would simply ask Dumbledore to come here and explain it himself, since he would most likely do a much better job. "I was a warrior, a soldier on the losing side of a war."

"I was the last trick up our side's sleeve. This war had taken many lives, and although it happened very quickly, we could never get a foothold. There was this one man, Aizen, who lead the other side, and his power was immense, much more than You-Know-Who could ever hope to achieve. He created undead warriors that outnumbered us dramatically. He harnessed the power of a very special stone - not unlike the sorcerer's stone - called the Hogyoku, something that granted its user immense power. He easily defeated our leader, a very wise and powerful old man."

"At first, I stood no chance against him. I had to fight with my own power in order to gain the most out of it. I defeated it, and I gained strength that I had never imagined. It was when I went to battle Aizen that everything went wrong," flashbacks of a destroyed Karakura town filled his mind, of beaten comrades. A dark and heavy pit fell in his stomach, and he struggled to find words. "I guess our power was too much, I don't really know what caused it. I was never very smart about stuff like that. My friends always teased me about not having a lot of common sense."

"Anyways, somehow both of our worlds collapsed into each other, and everything was destroyed. I suppose being the one with the most power, I managed to survive it. The next thing I knew I was waking up in this world, right before the time of Christ. To the best of my knowledge, the world rebooted itself, but none of my kind existed anymore... I was alone... my family and friends - everyone I knew was gone. I didn't really have a purpose anymore, the only reason I had ever really fought was to protect those close to me who couldn't protect themselves."

"I was desperate, so I tried to give some of my powers to the only one crazy enough to believe my story. But instead of making someone like me, I ended up creating the first wizard. I was upset, but I didn't try it again. I was worried that I might end up killing someone, so I stopped trying, assuming that it wouldn't pass on. Well, to my surprise, his children had the same abilities that I had given him, and they kept passing on to the next kin. I also found out during this time that I had stopped aging."

Ebon Phoenix [#1] [Complete]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin