Chapter 15: Trouble in Bloodstone

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I walked up to his mansion, setting the letter at his doorstep. It felt strange knowing that my . . . husband is in this house. Breathing, enjoying his bitter, immortal life. I walked back through Bloodstone, passing occasional prostitutes and drunkards.

'I can't believe Twinblade's camp use to be here . . . So much has changed since then!' I sighed 'Well, all except for all of the thugs . . . I guess some things never change . . .'

The Balverine venom burned through my blood, causing me to shiver. I could feel my skin turning, my insides twisting and turning. My walking became a hobble. I could see the vessel, Walter pacing along the deck.

"W-Wal-lte-er!" I mumbled.

I couldn't contain it any longer. I hit the cobblestone street and transformed into the Balverine. I stood broadly while the people around me starred boldly.

"Don't shoot!" I yelled.

My Balverine voice sounded deep and crisp. The men and women began pulling out their pistols. By this point in time, Walter and Anthony had arrived.

"Don't shoot her!" Walter snapped.

"Unless you all want a bullet between your eyes, I suggest ye' move 'erlong."

"Excuse me, but are you bossing around my people?" A soft voice echoed.

'I know that voice . . . No, it can't be . . .'

"Reaver." Anthony spoke.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A talking Balverine, a washed-up bandit, and an exile soldier! Isn't this just grand!"

Phillippe had changed over the last 500 years. Although his face remained the same, his eyes had darkened. The wicked smirk across his face was one I hadn't seen before. He wasn't the Phillippe I once called my own . . . The shadows swallowed him long ago. Now, he is Reaver, a narcissistic, manipulative, cold-blooded killer.

"Let us leave, Reaver. We don't want any trouble!" warned Walter.

"Oh, but you've asked for trouble . . . You see, the bandit you carry is one I'm familiar with. He stole something very dear to me and I've come to retrieve it, along with the toll he owes me as well."

"I don't have your damned trinket, Reaver!" Anthony yelled.

"That's disappointing . . . I guess I'll just take your life as payment . . ." Reaver laughed.

"Not if I have a say in it." A familiar voice spoke.

A body appeared from the shadows, leaving the rest of us in confusion.

"Men, attack!" The voice yelled.

Suddenly, bandits leaped from every corner, all firing at Reaver.

I transformed back into myself and the figure revealed herself.

"Aria?" I questioned.

"C'mon! We need to get to your ship!" She snapped and took off.

Anthony picked me up, charging towards the docks. As we neared the vessel, Imogen appeared and took off towards us.

"Imogen?" Walter yelled.

"Take cover!"

Anthony dove to the ground and the ship exploded, sending shards of wood everywhere.

"Bloody hell!" Anthony choked.

I sat forward, suddenly with all of my former strength back. My arm stung as the first message appeared. Standing up, I pulled Anthony out of the bits of rubble. I hurried to Imogen, but she'd already stood.

Fable II: The Quest of Redemption (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now