Chapter 12: Just a Dream

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I woke up inside of a warm bed with a man's arm around me. Although I was frightened, I felt safe as well. I slowly pulled away from the man and right as I felt I'd gotten free, I was yanked back inside the bed.

"Nice try, Lyllianna. You can't get away that easily." A familiar voice laughed.

The man began kissing my neck as I questioned what was happening. I somehow recognized this place, but oddly, it felt like a past life ago. That's when it clicked.

"Phillippe?" I spoke, breaking the awkward tension only I had noticed.

He stopped kissing me and replied "The one and only!"

I tumbled out of bed, hitting the floor. I looked around to see everyone else as well. Kylie, Mia, Johnathan, Robert, Killian, Peter, Ben, Whitney, little Hartley, my parents, and even Talia.

"This can't be happening . . ."

"Lylli, what wrong?" Kylie asked, standing from the floor.

I bolted out of the house to see the calming town of Oakvale. The place felt like a memory. It wasn't normal. It felt fake. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I knew something was off.

"Lylli!" A voice yelled.

Turning, I saw Peter and Kylie in shock. Their faces revealed a mixture of confusion and surprise, but all I could show was fear. The fear I felt inside when I first realized that all of them were . . .dead.

"H-How is this possible? You're all d-dead!" I gasped.

"Lylli, what are you rambling about?" Kylie sighed.

"Are you feeling alright?" Peter asked, quickly examining me for any abnormal marks or cuts,

"No, you all died!"

"Lylli, we're right here! No one is dead, everyone else is in the house."

"Wait, so all of it . . . was a dream?"

"I guess." Kylie shrugged.

"Mommy?" A small voice spoke.

Kylie and Peter moved apart and revealed Talia looking up at me with her big, blue eyes. She looked almost like an identical version of me when I was her age. She was perfect.

"It's okay, Talia, I'm here now."

I gripped her tightly and a tear slipped down my face. Peter and Kylie joined in on our hug and after we released, I pulled Peter off to the side, leaving Kylie and Talia heading back alone.

"Hey." Peter sighed shyly.

"I love you, Peter."


"Look, I don't know whether this or that is a dream. All I know is that I still care about you."

"What about Phillippe?"

"I-I think I love him too . . ."

"It's the same decision you had to make before. Last time, you chose him. I'm not getting my hopes up again only to be rejected."

"I understand."

We hugged and I kissed his cheek. We walked back to the house in silence. It was nice to tell him, even though he was still hesitant at the idea. But there was only one thing I could seriously concentrate on. The world around me. Could it be real? Was there a chance that all of my past memories were no more than a mere dream?

I entered the house and was openly welcomed by the others. Seeing them all brought warmth into my heart. Until I remembered something . . . Jack of Blades hadn't attacked yet. If I was having a dream, then we only had a few days left before he tries to destroy all of Albion for the Sword of Aeons.

"How many days until?" I blurted.

"Until what?" Whitney asked.

"Jack of Blades."

"Three." My mother sighed.

"Thank Avo we're together." I smirked.

"Why?" Ben questioned.

"We're going to protect this place."

"How? Jack of Blades will have tons of power." Kylie protested.

"And we are Heroes. If anyone can stop him, it's us."

"She's right." Peter smiled "We can create a powered front at the town line. We can save this place!"

"It's going to be difficult. People are going to die. The question is, are you ready?"

"I am." Peter nodded.

"Count me in." Whitney and Ben added.

"I love a good fight." Kylie smirked.

Everyone else in the house agreed and we started preparing. I convinced my parents to warn the town of Jack's secret. Everyone hid in on the newer section of town, where our house was located. The plan was for Kylie, Peter, Robert, the other guards, and I to hold the line and fight. Everyone else would stay back and help the others. If all goes to hell, Mia and Johnathan will strike from the inside and Phillippe shall be our archer, aiming from one of the rooftops.

I stood outside of the town, glaring at the outskirts of Barrow Fields when it happened. The town caught fire. Everything was melting before our awestruck eyes. The world around me collapsed at my feet. As the people of Barrow Fields shrieked in terror, something much worse happened. I heard screaming, but they weren't coming from Barrow Fields . . . I turned to see Kylie, Robert, and Peter holding their ears as a Banshee destroyed them from the inside out.

My assumptions were confirmed. I finally gave in. Kylie and Peter were gone. So was Talia, Mia, Whitney, my parents, everyone! All of them are dead and I'm still alone. The only thing I could do now is wake up. I closed my eyes from my dream and focused on my memories of Walter and Imogen.

My eyes opened and I sat forward.

It was all a dream.

A/N: Hey guys! All I have to say is that I've officially finished my Chapter count! At the moment, this book is scheduled for a total of 33 chapters! (That is 9 more chapters than book one!) Comment your thoughts below! Thanks!

Fable II: The Quest of Redemption (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن