Chapter 8: Anthony

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Walter and I settled down at the Sandgoose. I remained in our room while Walter chatted up the bar with the other locals.

'Lyllianna, the clock is ticking . . .'

"Oh my god." I mumbled.

Shakily, I entered the rest of the Sandgoose and my eyes were quickly drawn to a laughing Walter. I hurried by his side and pulled on his shirt, hoping he'd notice me.

"Lyllianna!" Walter cheered.

"They're back."

"What do you mean?"

I pulled him closer and whispered "The shadows from my past, they're back. We need to go."

Walter silently nodded. We grabbed our stuff and hurried down to the carriage driver.

"Sorry, I'm closed for the night." The man sighed and started walking off.

"I'll give you 100 gold." I blurted.

"Yes ma'am." The man perked up and hurried onto the carriage "Climb up."

Walter and I sat down in the carriage and our ride began.

"This is pretty intense . . ." Walter sighed.

"How so?"

"You're over 500 years old! That doesn't faze you?"

"The shadows kept me from aging. I haven't aged since I was 21."

"That's . . ."

"It's horrible. I watched everyone I cared about die. My sweet Talia . . ."

A tear streamed down my face, but Walter wiped it away.

"We'll get thr—" Walter began.

The carriage blew up and the two of us were flung into the air. I smacked into the ground and stood hesitantly. The wrecked carriage was on the road and I saw a few dozen bandits looting the carriage driver's corpse.

'Walter!' I immediately thought.

I glanced around and finally saw his body a little further away from the carriage then me. He was unconscious, but hopefully not dead.

Without thinking, I walked out into the crowd of bandits.

"What do we have here?" One of the bandits smirked.

"She looks like a frisky one."

"Yer' comin' with us."

"Try me. I dare you."

I drew my sword and the bandits followed. I began striking them down, one by one. Each of them dropped to the ground. Before I could strike another, a man hit me and I smacked the ground. He swung again, but I dodged it and struck him with a lightning bolt. By now, there were about 5 left and each one stood around me nervously.

"You asked for this."

I struck one, then two, then three, and then four.

"P-Please! Don't kill me!" The last man begged.

"Why? You jumped me just like the others."

"They killed my family . . . They said they'd kill me too, if I didn't join them. Please, I'm begging you."

"Lyllianna, this is Theresa. I don't have a good feeling about him. You may do what you will, but I wouldn't trust him."

I thought for a moment and spoke "I know what you're going through." I sighed "You're coming with me."

"Wait, you're letting me live?"

"Yes, but you're sticking around with me until I'm through with you. Otherwise, I'll kill you the moment you try to backstab me."

"Deal." The man smiled and we hurried over to Walter.

He was awake by the time I reached him and sat up from the ground.

"Who's this?" Walter asked, standing up from the ground.

"I'm Anthony." He nodded.

"He's joining us on our journey from Oakfield."

"Alright." Walter nodded "You heard the lady. Let's get going."

We started back on our journey to Bowerstone and although Theresa didn't agree with my choice, I felt like I'd done the right thing . . .

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the slightly shorter chapter. What's next? Is Anthony trustworthy, or was Theresa right for not trusting him? Find out soon! Also, check out some of my other stories like House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning or United. Thanks!

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