An Interview with GenXblogger

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Interviewed by HarryDGrisdac

GenXblogger is a decorated writer of numerous fiction sub-genres, a contributor of TheCreepyHomeboys (and Girls) in their collection Scribblings from the Asylum Walls, and a cherished Wattpad Ambassador.  This month, HarryDGrisdac sat down with her on behalf of Dark Dimensions and picked her brain for the following gems:

First off, tell us a little about yourself.

I’m one of those rare adults on Wattpad. We’re elusive but we exist! I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful sons name Leo and Riley who are 6 and 4. We live pretty much square in the middle of the USA. I was an “early reader” and have been devouring books ever since. I started writing seriously in high school and have made it a hobby ever since. Really it has been only in the last year or so that I have become serious about it once more and hope to get at least one book self-published in 2012.

In addition to reading and writing, I am very involved with the “Retired Racer” Greyhound rescue group here. We have adopted two retired racers and have helped foster dogs and find them their own loving homes. I have a degree in education and also an MBA (masters in business). I spent the last 7 years working in healthcare sales and marketing but have recently decided to go into business for myself and become a real estate agent which has been an idea rattling around in my head for some time now.

What can you tell us about "Last Breath"?

The idea for Last Breath came to life while I was on vacation with my husband for our tenth wedding anniversary. We were on a cruise no less! We took an excursion trip to an island and we took an old rickety boat to get there. While we were rocking about on the little boat I started to think of this small band of shell shocked survivors of some tragic event, sailing away to an unknown location where they may or may not find help. The story, which I started writing as soon as we got home, evolved into a short story about the zombie apocalypse. I’ve always been a sucker for end of the world fiction! In it, I wanted to explore what people would actually do in order to survive. What would you be willing to do to others, and what would you be willing to give up?

How do you motivate yourself?

In writing I tend to get distracted and let my other priorities stop me from updating my stories as often as I would like. Some of that is unavoidable with children and work but I do have a goal this year to set aside a specific amount of time per week to work on my writing. I think you need to MAKE time for yourself and make it a priority if it is important to you. Reader feedback really helps in the motivation department as well!

How do you come up with ideas?

Ideas come to me constantly. One thing I have never understood on Wattpad is the flood of posts in the clubs that are crying out for ideas (such as – give me your ideas and I will write them, someone give me three ideas for a romance story, etc). Coming up with creative ideas is paramount in becoming a great writer. My only problem is too many ideas at a time! I have several writing notebooks I use to jot down ideas and parts of stories so I can remember them for later. The ideas themselves seem to come from small things people say or situations I am in that for some reason I associate with a new idea. (Like the peaceful vacation boat ride that spawned the idea for a gruesome zombie survival tale.)

How do you get in the mindset to write horror?

When I want to get into the mood to write horror I put on my favorite hooded black velvet cape, add two additional layers of jet black eyeliner, and crank up my “Spooky Sounds of Halloween CD.” No, I really don’t, at all. But wouldn’t it be kind of awesome if I did? Actually there is no one thing that puts me in the mindset to write about deliciously wicked things. I think I was just born with a dark imagination!

Do you have a favorite theme about which you write?

Based on the number of times these crop up in my work I’d say my favorites are; survival, exploring humanity, dystopia, post-apocalyptical, family relations and the human need to fit in and/or be accepted by others.

How long did it take you to become confident in your work?

Still waiting, ask me again in ten more years. I think all the best writers secretly think everything they write is rubbish. If you think you are really awesome, chances are you aren’t.

What started you down the path to writing horror?

I enjoy reading it and watching it in movies so it seemed only natural to give it a try, really. Anyway, my ideas tend to run on the dark and sinister side naturally. So far I have written paranormal, sci-fi and horror. I have enjoyed each one and intend to write more horror in the future. I would also like to give fantasy a spin before my work is through.

What are your earliest inspirations in the genre?

Well I might be really dating myself here but my first horror reading experience was Christopher Pike books when I was in middle school. If you know who Christopher Pike is then it’s likely we have a few things in common, ha! After that came the iconic Stephen King – I read IT (one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever read) and then The Stand (now one of my favorite books) and I was hooked for life.

Do any of your true experiences make it into your work?

Of course! It’s perfectly brilliant to take your own personal experiences into account when writing! It how you add true depth – write what you know. The child in Last Breath was modeled after my own children.

In your opinion, what is the most important element in horror fiction?

Suspense. If you can master building suspense then you can really draw a reader in. Another important element creatively is to make ordinary things terrifying. Look at what Nightmare on Elm Street did with going to bed, or who doesn’t think of psycho killers now every time summer camp is mentioned…horror in everyday things is one of the most frightening aspects of horror.

What would be your advice to an aspiring horror writer?

Going for “gore only” is a cheap and unexciting thrill. You need to be able to build suspense as well or your story is going to be flat.

What image from an existing horror story is strongest in your mind?

The stark landscape of “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. Followed closely by a woman roasting on a spit in Jack Ketchem’s “Off Season.”

A seemingly simple one: what is your deepest fear?

Where do I begin on all that is troubling to me psychologically? I have a reoccurring dream that something awful is happening to me or someone I know and I can’t get anyone to believe me or help me, not my family or even the police! Death scares the hell out of me. I think about it all the time. I also have an insanely irrational fear of spiders – not just a little thump in my chest when I see a large spider but full-on terror with tears and everything if I see the teeniest one!

Thank you for your time. Is there anything else you'd like to say?

I love the idea for the horror Wattpad E-zine! I love all the genre-specific efforts I’m seeing on this website lately! If you enjoyed my interview please hop on over to my profile and check out “Last Breath” and let me know what you think!

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