Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Get off me!" I screamed. I struggled and looked to Harry. He stood paralyzed. I managed to kick Quirrl off and ran to Harry's side as he charged at us.

Professor Quirrl then hit me but nothing happened. His hand fell to ashes. I looked at Harry who had the same idea as me, we both ran up to Quirrl and touched him on the face. He burnt into ashes, within seconds what was ice our teacher had disappeared into the dust. I looked at Harry who was now grinning.

"W-We did it,"He said.

"Ya,"I smiled. Then a little ghost figure came out of the ashes.

"Harry!" I pointed. The figure made a u-turn and went straight to me.

It tried to go through me but Harry jumped in front of me and passed out.

"Harry!" I cried then I noticed Voldemort made another U-turn and headed for me.

Wasn't long till the spirit light looking thing went through my body as it fell next to countenance Harry.

My sight was getting dimmer and dimmer when I saw a man with a long robe and a very long white beard standing up at the room entrance. My body felt light as I drifted to a long sleep.


I woke up with a shock this morning. I looked to both sides of me, Harry wasn't there. I looked at my arm which had a gash that started at my elbow and ended at my wrist. It was on my right side. I guess I got scratched up more. I looked down to me wearing some other clothing I guess Hermione came by and lended me some clothes or something, I noticed a little box with my name on it. I looked over to it and smiled I quickly grabbed it. It had a note in it also a chocolate frog in it. The note read :

Nova, meet up with us in the The Great Hall. We need to 'talk' before we have to go back.

Who was this from? I shook my head and looked at the card to not see a name. Who would write me this? And 'talk'? It couldn't have been Draco. He knew I was over him. Surely right?

"Nova? Your awake," I turned to see a man with long white hair and some moon-shape glasses come in. He seemed a little surprise.

"Yeah, I'm up," I lied up in my bed. He sighed and walked over to my bed.

"What you did out there was very brave, and very smart," He said. "No other student would've done that, No Slytherin at all," He smiled.

"Yes," I sighed. I was looking at my chocolate frog when something in my head popped up.

The sorcerer stone. Did Quirrl die? Did we save Hogwarts? What all had happened while I was out? Would I have finals? I secretly hoped I wouldn't.

"S-So is the stone destroyed?" I asked, his eyes twinkled as a smile spread across his face.

"Yes, but don't worry Nichols Flimmel will be fine," He said.

"B-But professor won't he die now?" I asked.

"You and your brother both are intelligent for asking the same question," he smiled, "how alike you are."

Once again his eyes sparkled, he cleared his throat, "Yes, he will die but I think he'll like death much better than the stone falling in the wrong hands once more."

"P-Professor?" I asked,"I over herd Snape saying that he knew that Quirrl was up to no good, he also said that you knew. I can't help but to think is that true?"

"Yes, for quite sometime I have known that Quirrl was up to no good, even though he seemed fine."

"When did you start your suspicions?"

"When he first came to Hogwarts."

"So you new that he had V-Voldemort?"

"Why no, not until I knew it was him, I knew Snape was protecting you and your brother Harry all along. I knew it, but the circumstances why he tried to save you is or when you get older."

"Yes sir, one more question, will Voldemort ever come back?"I asked.

"There are ways Nova, but I do not know."

I looked down what if he does come back will he go for Harry and I? Hey there's no way it'll be this year so just forget about it, Dumbledore could tell I was thinking about this hard.

"You'll be safe and sound with your brother and the Dursley's," He spoke, "they might be muggles but there the only family you've got."

"Sir, Hagrid said I have a Godfather too,"

"Yes, your Godfather,"A smile of regret filled his face just what about?

"Who is he, sir?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Maybe a different story for a different day," he said as I let out a huge breath of air.

"Sir, he also said he said he was scared that he was scared to take care of me, believe me I've thought about this, but it sounds almost like he was scared of taking care of me. I-Is there something wrong with me?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Nova, nothing is wrong with you my child, everything will make sense in the future."

"Now you must go and see Miss.Granger, Mr.Weasley, and Mr.Potter I hear they've required your presence in the Great Hall today," He said as he helpped me get off my bed. At first I stumbled but gained my balance.

"Thank you Headmaster,"I mumbled," Thanks for everything. He smiled and sen me to the Great Hall.
I walked in the great hall to see Malfoy at one table, who was motioning me to come sit with him, and at the other table was my two best friends and my twin. Two roads and I took the one less taken. I mouthed to Harry 'Hold on one sec' as I walked over to my Slytherin Table to give my 'friend' Draco Malfoy a piece of my mind.

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