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Sam, jasmin,kiara and sebastian were in the basement . "Ok , Kiara and Seb start praying to cas we need him ASAP!" Sam says paceing the room. " yes master frollo I shall ring the bells!" Kiara giggled .her smile slowly faded as she saw the frustrated look on her husbands face. " sorry babe." She cringed and started praying. " The heck is your problem. AWW do you guys not like me? I just wanted your be friends ." Dean pouted sarcasticly . " y-you can shut your mouth right now .shut it !" Sam scolded . It almost aounded like he was a soccer mom. " OR he can just take a beating from me . WIIIYAHH!!!" Jasmin swung her arms and kicked her legs as if she was Bruce lee. "NO YOUR NOT . Sweetheart , when I say no I say no. " sam picked jasmin like she was a puppy and sat him next to her. A couple minutes of silence rolled by and mummering from the corner were Sebastian and kiara were praying. Cas appeared behind sam but he didn't notice castiel's presence. Sam was starteled when he saw the angel's reflection in the corner of his laptop screen. "JESUS! DON'T DO THAT!" sam yelped holding his broad chest. Everyone except Dean flicked their heads around to see Castiel standing towards the center of the room the goregous angel look at sam and tilted his head in confusion . With his bright blue round eyes painting a picture of innocences . "Jesus? No sam I'm castiel." He said in a deep raspy voice. "That's not the point cas we need your help with De-" sam was cut off by the angel walking towards the older brother suffering in the steel chair. "I know. I have an idea bur you need to trust me. We need to inject human blood into him so that he can go back to normal. However it's not 100% effective. " Sam looked at castiel with fear and worry written in his eyes. To know that he might be killing his brother ate away at his thoughts. " o-ok let's do this!" Sam said turning on his heel to walk into a back room. Kiara grabbed his shoulder stopping him in his tracks. " baby are you sure? If Dean is dying ,how are we going to know if you're making it worse?" Kiara gave an intense stare . Sam's eyes watered at the thought of his brothers death. Of those long car rides where he'd be alone. By himself. Empty. His thoughts were interrupted by kiara's hand softly placing her hand on his jaw. " Are you okay?" She whispered. "To be honest I don't know."

With that he bent down to her hight and kissed her lips and left

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With that he bent down to her hight and kissed her lips and left. She stood in silence as a single tear cascade down her cheek. "AAAAAND THE OSCAR FOR BEST HEARTBREAK SCENE GOES TO..........FREDDY AND VELMA!!!" Dean yelled. Kiara look at him in irratence. "Oh shut your pie whole ." Kiara said. "Why don't you shut it for me eh?" Dean smirked and winked at kiara. " eww your married . Ya bastard stop it." Kiara rolled her eyes. " oh yeah I'm married to the short whiney brat. Nayeli , she can really get anoying. With her loud obnoxious self. And always being so dramatic , wanting all the attention and praise. Don't even get me started on her Voice!!!!" Dean bellowed. " you know what that is enough ! Don't you ever talk about my sister like that again ! Or so help me I will -" jasmin was cut off by Sebastian quickly bolting up from where he was sitting and covering jasmin's mouth to conceal the profanities that came out ." Jasmin and I are going to take a break and let her cool off while we go pick up the kids from school and take them to the grandparents house. just in case Dean has another one of these spaz attacks the kids won't get hurt." Sebastian took jasmin by the hand and left. Sam was lying on a table and castiel was pulling out blood from his arm. "UUUUAAHHGGGGG" sam cried out in pain. Kiara cringed at the sound of his cries. But stopped when she heard footsteps that paused abbruptly. Nayeli stood at the doorway leaned up aginst the wall. "What's going on? Where is everyone!? " nayeli said in panic. Nayeli was afraid and frantic . She knew that they would have to do something to do to Dean to make him better but she didn't want him to die. "Nayeli you shouldn't be here . Leave!" Sam said qalking towards her. Nayeli looked like a child compared Sam. He stood infront of her and put his arms infront of him to stop her. "No sam please let me see him! It's ok. Just move so I can talk to him." Nayeli pushed aginst his chest . "Ugghaaaahhh" nayeli heard Dean scream in pain. " sammy please please . Don't do this to me." Nayeli pleaded. Sam's jaw tightened and he became angry. "NO!! JUST STOP IT!! " sam yelled at her. Nayeli stopped and looked at him frightened. She felt the tears sting the corners of her eyes. Then flow down her cheeks. Sam let his guard down and started crying also. He pulled her into a hug. He put his hand on the back of her head and gentley pushed it aginst his chest. She loved Sam like a brother. The smell he wore reminded her of home.

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