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The lights turned back on and Kiara , Dean and jasmin were missing. "What the hell was that?" Sam said hoisting himself off the ground. " Oh my , were are they?" Sebastian said franticly searching across the room. "No! The must have been kidnapped . Thats it! I swear when I get my hands on whoever took them I am gonna go to Jail!" Nayeli shouted as sam helped her off the floor. "Guys lets go . Well research then go on the hunt." Sam said grabbing his car keys. "Sam well go in the morning. Let's get some rest first." Sebastian pouted rubbing his eyes. "NO! They have my baby and my brother. And no one messes with them. " sam growled and his jaw tightened in anger. Fury burned in his eyes like the burning ball of fire that is the sun. Sebastian felt a wet spot coming from his chest. He realised he was stabbed. Sam and nayeli quickly treated his wound and left to the hotel. Meanwhile in a cold dark basement Dean,Jasmin and kiara were tied up. "Were in the .... guys wake up!" Kiara said squinting trying to find a source of light. "D-Dean are you here I am scared." Jasmin whimpered . She knew it was Dean because of the smell of his cologne, and yes people it was strong it was his wedding day for crying out loud. "Shhh it's ok jasmin. I am right here." Dean said . A door opened at the top of a stair case revealing light. The three of them looked at eachother then at the sillouette of a man. The figure walks down the last step and Dean's heart beat quickened. " Don't move ,or make a sound. I am here to help you." The man whispered as he lit the lanterns that were hanging from the ceiling. Kiara knew she has seen him before. His voice was farmiliar . The light cascaded across his face . The man had a short brown hair pulled back into a ponytail . He had big brown eyes with carmel skin and a beard. Kiara gasped " it's Alexander hamilton." Kiara said to herself. "What the hell did you just say?" Dean scream whispered. "You know that whole founding father crap nayeli is into. Ya know the ,theres a million things I haven't done but just you wait ,just you wait." Jasmin said while still making direct eye conctact with alexander . " uh er ehem, What type of  foolishness is this? You fight with congress to get your plan throught for George's approveal ,and this is what you give us poor citizens that were on your side!" Dean said in a flawless posh british accent. Jasmin and kiara shot their heads at him . "The fuh?" Jasmin mouthed at kiara .kiara just shrugged. Alexander laughed at Dean's quick response."Dude relax just because it's the 1700's doesn't mean we talk like that. Look let's get out and head up town my dear friend john laurens can help us." Alexander giggled as he untied the others. "Wait ,wait , wait, Hold it . You mean to tell me Alexander Hamilton the ten dollar, founding father without a father, IS A HUNTER?!"  Jasmin said while getting up off the floor. "Well yeah, the books don't tell ya everything ya know. Oh and please call me Alex." He said putting his hand out. They shook his hand and introduced eachother . "Well enough chit -chat. How are we gonna get out?" Dean said with attitude "here thomas jefferson is higher than the sky he won't notice." Alex opened the door and it was foggy and smelled like weed."SAH DUDE" jefferson belted. Dean and the others snickered at his comment . They snuck out and left to uptown New york . The group headed out to find there friends  . Meanwhile back at the hotel..........

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