12 | Beach Trip Between Us

Start from the beginning

"Hey, whose cars are we taking?" I asked.

"I and Brian's. Don't worry. You can leave your car here. It will be safe," Darren said.

"Okay. Who is sitting in which car?" I asked.

After that all started debating on who will sit with whom and in whose car. Claire wanted to sit with Jake, obviously.

"How about this. I, Brooke, Jake and Claire in my car and the rest in yours?" Brian asked Darren.

"Maybe I, Josh, Tyler and Brooke should be in my car," Darren replied.

"You could take Josh, Tyler, Claire and Jake."

"But I want Brooke, Josh and Tyler," Darren countered.

"Okay. Josh, Tyler and Sam in your car." Brian suggested.

"I said I want Brooke, Josh and Tyler!" Darren whined like a kid.

"Yeah okay. So you are getting Josh, Tyler and Sam."

"I don't want Sam. I want Brooke!"

"Hey! I don't bite!" Sam fake glared at Darren.

"Um...so both of you basically want Brooke," Josh stated, looking at the both of them. Did they?

Darren cleared his throat. "Um...yeah. Brooke is fine. I want her."

"Why don't you let her decide?" Josh asked.

Brian and Darren turned at me.

"Come with me, Brooke," Darren said.

"You know, Claire is with us," Brian said.

"Um...I'll come with Josh, Tyler and Darren," I told them.

Darren smiled. "Come on. We've got a beach as beautiful as you to see."

He was being so cheesy today. I smiled back at him. Darren went in his house to get something.

"You hurt me," Brian said to me and clutched his heart, faking pain.

"That was the plan," I said.

"Evil," He muttered.

I shook my head at him and sat in Darren's car. Why would he want me in his car? He hates me.

The beach was not that far. Almost a two hour ride. We were going to be there for the whole day.

I loved beaches. My dad loved beaches. He said it gave him an amazing environment to think.

And now I missed him. I sighed. Beach trips are supposed to be fun. I wouldn't let my past dampen my spirits. It had been a long time. I should learn to get over it.

"What happened?" Brian's voice broke my train of thought. I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You seemed to be in deep thought."

"Oh. It was nothing." I waved it off.

"Brian! You are in our car. We need a driver," Sam yelled at him. He was sitting in Brian's car, eating something. He was always so hungry. I wondered how he was so fit. I mean he literally devoured a meal fit for five people everyday.

"Yeah. I'm coming," Brian said and turned back to me.

"Happy journey with the douche."

"Do you have a problem with him." I asked. I had noticed that since he got here, he and Darren weren't exactly pleasant to each other.

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