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Danni POV.

It's 6:00 am and I'm getting ready to go to school. I can't be late cause I am already on the brink of getting suspended for way too many absences, but I got things I gotta focus on.

I hop in the shower and wash till I'm completely clean. After that I put my hair in a messy bun then put on my plaid print bandana , and put on mascara and eyeliner and some red lipstick. Then I got to my closet with my towel wrapped around me and pick out my black tight fitted cropped t-shirt, my acid washed high wasted shorts, finally my red socks and my timberlands. I lotioned up and put my clothes on.

I walked to kitchen and got some lucky charms and pigged out I'm not a full breakfast meal person so I stick with cereal.Now it's 7:30 am and I'm heading out to this terrible school named Charston Wood High. If this school got shut down then life would be excellent.

My car got stolen a couple months ago so i walk to school couple blocks not too far. I was walking then I heard a horn.

"Hey ma was good , where you headed to"?. I stopped walking and looked over to see who was talking to and It was this fine light skinned boy with little curls in his head , really light brown eyes and juicy looking pink lips, and tatted all Over.. From what can see.Damnnn I guess I'll talk to him I ain't in no rush to get to school.

" I was told never to talk to strangers,sir". I flashed a million dollar smile.

" Geez , just trying be friendly" he said looking me up and down while bitting his lip

" Well you can take yo friendly ass down the road I don't have time for this little chat and I'm not trying to be late to school"

" At the speed you walking yo ass ain't getting there no time soon". He said motioning me to get in his car. I hesitated , but I got in.

"What's your name?"

"Tyler and you beautiful?" he looked over at me.

"Danni... Oh um make a right " I said while directing him where to go.

After a kinda long silent ride we finally arrived I got out , thanked him , exchanged numbers and walked to the school. I felt eyes staring me down as usual. Today seems to playing out pretty damn good .



  After dropping off Danni I headed to the trap to handle some business. See I'm one of the biggest we'll know drug dealers in LA ,and I'm only 20. Forget college I don't have time for that I have to support mom and little brother . My dad got killed when I was 10. He was gunned down right in front of me but that's a story for another time.  But I try not to step far into my past. Focusing on the here and now is the only thing keeping me sane.

  I pull up in the drive way and I see my body guards at the door. I walk up and they open the door and I greet everyone in the house and motioned them to go to the conference room. Waiting for everyone to be seated I slowly observe my guys as I make my way to my seat at the head of the long glass table.

"Update.", I speak waiting for a unanimous response.

" We have been hit twice in 1 week." Spouted by someone amongst team.

" Y'all have one job and I pay y'all to do it, so I expect y'all to do it right. Tighten up, period." See the thing about me is; I don't need to yell to get my point across. My calmness can shoot fear into anyone l.

"Tell me who." I folded my arms together and spun around in my chair, facing opposite of my table.

"Word on the street is Locos crew had some partake in that." My right hand Wesley explained.

" I don't wanna talk about what you heard I want facts ." "So go get them." I turned in my seat, signaling everyone to leave immediately.

"Wait.. how much worth of stuff they got away with ". I said bracing my self for a couple bands to be said.

"120k" Ajax said hesitantly

Now I'm beyond livid, I just need to ease my mind off this.



The day is half way over and we are at lunch. I grab my lunch from the lunch line. Cassidy, Arizona and I sat by Jordan and Jason. Jordan came and sat by me. He is light skinned , green eyes and a small controlled afro.We all ways flirting , but we stay on friend status.

" Hey ma, you gone stop frontin and let me take you on a date"

He said while licking his pink lips.

"When yo dumb ass get an A+ in math, then come holla at me" I said laughing causing everybody else to laugh

" Well since you seem to be my mamma now how bout you give my allowance and spot me a dollar so I can get some ice cream." he said smiling hard

"Here wit yo beggin self, always want something!" I said handing him the dollar and everybody laughed

"Thanks, honey" he said as he kissed my cheek

"Ew, I don't know where your lips been child." I said as I wiped his kiss a way while blushing.

He turned around and winked at me

"Y'all should just go out"

"Y'all always trying to play match maker, we just friends ok."

Jordan came back with a strawberry ice cream and started to eat.

"Y'all talking bout me" Jordan said 28th a mouth full of icecream.

I looked rolled my eyes and shook my head.

" Oh yea Danni who is boy who dropped you off at school earlier". Cassidy sparked the conversation.

"A friend" I said not wanting them to be to deep in my business

"So you cheating on me now...!! wow ok I got you you do that then , I don't matter" he said pretending to be hurt

"You know I love you , you can be my sideline ok.." We busted out laughing

"He just gave me a ride just that." I said escapeing the topic.

For the rest of the lunch period we talked about random stuff. After lunch we went to our last connection that we had together 'Art'.

"What the fuck is that"? Jordan stood and looked disgusted.

"it's a horse".! I said getting defensive

"are you sure because it looks like a mutated donkey" Arizona said causing everybody to laugh.

After the day was over I said bye to everybody and walked home. when I got home I took a shower changed in to my white crop top and into my sweats and my nike socks and laid on my bed and decided to text Tyler.


"Hey wyd"

"nun wbu"

"being bored ASF"

"Why don't you just slide threw you don't got no life anyway lol"

" I guess, address?"
"1582 Emmy Ave. 628"


Guess I'm going to Tyler's crib this should be intresting.



Y'all think Danni and Tyler gonna get together?

What's gonna happen a Tyler's crib?

So what do y'all about it so far? Should I delete the book? What could I do different ?

I am going to make shorter chapters cause of school so be prepared but yea LOVE YA.


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