I'm Surrounded by Animals!

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Fredrick POV

    I opened my eyes to see grey. That couldn't be good by any means. Getting up, I saw that I was in a small room, which increasingly gave me a prison vibe. The walls were the same grey color, a few florescent lights above me with that god-awful buzzing! I always hated that sound because of how annoying it could get- to the point of insanity. I was on a bed, uncomfortable and not very pleasant to sit on.

Yep, definitely a prison...

    There wasn't much else except a camera on the wall and a metal door on the opposite side of me. Something just didn't add up about this. I found a glowing tablet, it flashed, and I wake up in prison- or what I think is. Why would I end up here when I was in the forest? Did I stumble upon some kind of government conspiracy? No, that's just stupid crap that nuts talk about, but it's still interesting.

    I felt around myself, making sure everything was good, but it wasn't. My phone was gone, which I could've sworn was in my pocket when I left home. Okay, let's get logical about this... It might've been confiscated from me for examination, which would unfortunately provide more evidence that I'm in a prison of some kind. I sighed and sat on the crappy bed, not getting many leads onto the mystery of what the heck is going on here.

This only lasted a few seconds before I heard the door open. Finally, some answers to what's happeni- wait, is that a wolf?

    Oh my god, it's a wolf..a grey wolf! I wouldn't be so surprised if it weren't for the fact that it was anthro- as in "human shape". It even wore clothes, but not like any I've seen before. It was wearing a black shirt with a vest, pockets all over it. It had matching pants and even shoes! All I could do was stare at it for a while until it spoke.

"Get up.", its voice was gruff, obviously male. I swiftly obeyed, not only because I was scared but also because I didn't want to cause trouble. He led me out of the room and into a long hallway- with more of those stupid lights! I tuned them out and looked around a little, spying nothing but more cameras and doors. Eventually we made it to one particular door, the words "Interrogation 5" on it.

Okay, I am definitely in trouble., I thought as the wolf led me into the room and left me there.

    It was basically what you'd expect from an interrogation room. Table, chairs, the one-way mirror at one of the walls- perfect for a good old-fashioned "Law and Order" scene. Suffice to say, I was scared right now. First I wake up in jail, now I find out there are anthros? That's something only thought up in fanfictions- and the internet no-less! I sat in one of the chairs and did my best to collect my thoughts. Hopefully there's a perfectly logical explanation for this...

To which there is none unless I am high, which I most definitely am not.

    My thoughts were broken by the door opening again, and unfortunately another anthro came in. What made it worse was that it was a husky. Even if they're sometimes cute, they freak me out a lot for some reason. This one was your typical husky, with its white and black fur and blue eyes. The thing that gave me bad vibes were its eyes... They were a steel blue, the very definition of fierceness. I could already tell he was male, because just looking at him made me shudder, as if I could feel his dominance. I wouldn't want to imagine his love life- whether or not girls like that.

    He had a file in his hands- or paws. Instead of the vest thing the wolf had, he was at least wearing something casual. It only consisted of a black shirt with grey jeans and shoes. The outfit didn't do much to help my anxiety, which at this point was reaching hysteria levels. He looked at me, making me turn away to avoid eye contact. Even his eyes seemed like they wanted to murder me. Just what the hell is going on?

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