Chapter 15

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Harry's POV;

Taylor Swift holds my hand as we walk into a diner. Paparazzi flashes their cameras at us as we walk to my car. I fake smile as I reach the car. The press fire thousands of questions at us.

“Do you love Taylor, Harry?” one of them asks.

“Yes, she's an amazing girl,” I say as if I've rehearsed it a thousand times.

“A kiss for the camera?” one person asks. Taylor smiles as he plants a kiss on my lips. I kiss back with little passion. I pull back and we get in the car. I drive Taylor home then I finally go home. When I get home Louis is asleep on the couch. I walk over to him and kiss his forehead. I then lay next to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle into him.

“How was your date with Taylor?” he asks with a tired voice.

“Horrible, I hate her so much,” I tell him. I rest my head on his shoulder.

“How are you and Eleanor?” I ask him.

“It's nice to have her as a friend again but that's all I see her as, a friend.” I yawn loudly and let my eyes close, letting sleep overcome me.


“Now, we are going to take fan questions,” we are all at a press conference.

“Harry, what do you love the most about Taylor?” a girls asks. I can tell she is a Haylor fan. I put on my best acting face and smile.

“She's just such a good person and she's really down to earth,” I say with a fake smile. The next question is asked by a older girl, she looks to be sixteen.

“This question is for all of you, if you could chose one member of the band to date, who would it be?” she asks. I look to Louis and smile.

I speak first, “I would date Louis,” I say trying not to blush. Simon gives me a stern look.

“And I'd marry you, Harry,” Louis says with a smirk.

“I don't know, probably Louis,” Liam says with a smile. Niall bits his lip.

“Zayn, but he's more like a brother to me,” he says. Zayn looks at the girl with disgust. Simon gives him an evil glare. Zayn sighs and imitates a girl.

“I'd totally date Harry,” he says jokingly. I try my best not to roll my eyes at him. The rest of the conference goes smoothly. We have tour rehearsals later that day. We leave for the U.S tour next week. I'm actually looking forward to the tour, I won't have to deal with my 'relationship' with Taylor and I can get away from management.

Louis and I are packing when I get a call from Simon. I pick up my phone.

“I booked an opening act for the tour,” he says.

“Who?” I ask. I have the phone on speaker.

“Taylor Swift, she will be touring with you guys,” he says. I argue with Simon for a little bit than hang up.

“Well, the tour is officially ruined,” I say looking to Louis.

“It's not necessarily ruined, we'll figure it out,” he says. I hug him and then kiss his lips. 


Louis and I are at rehearsals.

“Great job, lets take five,” Paul says. I walk over to the food and take a big sip of water.

“You okay?” Louis asks me.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired,” I say. I sit down on the floor of the dance studio.

“Are your ballet skills wearing off, Harry?” Zayn asks in a mocking voice. I wipe sweat off my forehead. Niall laughs and smiles as he and Zayn go over to the food table. Liam walks over to us and sits next to me.

“Who ever thought daddy Zayn would become the bully,” he says with a sigh.

“You've always been better at being the daddy of one direction, anyway,” I say. He smiles. I rest my head on Louis' lap.

“You normally don't get this tired,” he says with concern. He runs his fingers through my sweaty curls that are tied back with a bandana. Zayn and Niall glare at us. Louis kisses my forehead. Liam smiles as he pats my shoulder.

“Breaks over!” Paul shouts. I stand up weakly and use every ounce of energy left in me to get through the rest of the day.  

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