"(Y/N), come on," Dean caught your attention and took a hold of your hand as you looked back to him. He cracked a crooked smile and the two of you headed toward the Impala. Sam was standing in front of his open door, leaning on the roof, rubbing his jaw.

Dean stood on his side of the car, spreading his hand out of the roof, patting it twice. You leaned sideways on it, facing Dean at an angle you could see Sam too.

Dean shook his head. "Let's go gank some vampires."


You laid in the back seat of the Impala, staring at the ceiling. Dean claimed to have wanted something in the gas station before you headed toward the vampire nest and Sam sat in the car, researching the glove box.

"Sam?" You asked and he hummed, slamming it shut before turning around to look at you. You looked up at his brown eyes and didn't say anything for a moment. His brow creased together.

"(Y/N)? You're staring," You blush slightly.

"Yeah, but when we go in, are we sure it's a nest of two or three? What if we walk in there and it's twenty or so?" He chuckled and turned back around, shaking his head.

"We'll be fine, we've done this before, remember?"


The three of you were in fact not fine. As you thought, there was more than two or three vampires, seeing as you could see ten. They had ambushed you and Dean while you split away from Sam. You weren't sure what Sam was doing downstairs and you stared at Dean. The vampires had tied you to poles that were once decorated with strings of lights. Your feet came up to Dean's knees and he looked up as another vampire walked to the few in the corner talking.

"Where's Sammy?" Dean asked you in a harsh whisper. His green eyes were blazing and you simply shrugged, you knew as much as he did. You watched behind Dean where they began setting out multiple tools. You did your best attempt to kick Dean, only earning a scowl and a "Stop it!" from him. You nodded your head that way and he leaned as best as he could to see.

"You know," Started one of the vampires, walking toward you and Dean with his knife tapping against his fingertips. "If it were up to me, Leigha would have been sucked dry."

"Matthew," You whispered and he looked to you slowly, smiling, his teeth not yet showing his fangs.

"Stop playing with them and get on with it!" Shouted a woman in the corner, her arms folded up against her as she leaned on the wall, watching Matthew's every move. You could tell this wasn't Leigha, but you were pretty sure that one of the ones in the corner talking was.

"Alright then," Matthew grumbled, squatting down at where your feet met Dean's knees. His eyes glanced back and forth between the two of you. You looked away from him to Dean to see he was already looking at you. You caught some emotion on his face, but he turned away before you could even register what it was.

"I say we start with you, she doesn't look like she could handle much," The vampire said and your mouth pulled into a scowl as you glared at him. He only laughed and edged toward Dean.

You looked about the room, trying to search for a way out. You scanned the walls and the ceiling before you came to a stop at a door on the opposite side of the room from the vampires. You noticed it was slightly opened and someone peeking through it. You stared at them, hoping it would be Sam and he'd show a little more indication it was him.

To the sound of Dean making a painful noise, you turned back to see a new cut in his cheek, following the line of his cheekbone. Blood seeped out and the vampire raised his nose a couple inches. You made a face and Dean stared the guy down.

Matthew moved toward you and Dean jerked at his restraints. Matthew only chuckled and rested the blade flat against your cheek. You could feel the still warm blood of Dean's now on your face and it made you want to hurl.

"Leave her alone you sick-"

"Ah, ah, ah," Matthew waved the knife at Dean. "Name calling is what ends a first date."

You looked from the vampire to Dean, but Dean wouldn't look at you, he'd only look to Matthew. The vampire looked at you and took the knife away from your face. He tapped it on top of your head twice. "You can wait,"

"You're just asking for it!" He laughed at Dean and you looked back toward the door where it was now fully open and Sam was being dragged through. You sighed and Dean flinched away from the blade to look at his brother.



"I'm here too," You mumbled to yourself. The vampire scowled and punched Dean in the nose. He then turned to you, dragging the knife down Dean's arm, looking straight at you the entire time. That's when it happened. Sam fought his way out of the vampires grasp and Dean broke through the wire tying him in place. The vampire stumbled backward and you started rubbing your wire on the pole, trying to get through it.

Dean took Matthew's weapon and as he killed him next to you, blood coated everything, including you. Sam has taken two down in the corner and had thrown a larger knife to Dean. You rubbed on the wire harder, focusing more on that than the scene around you.

You finally heard the snap and you brought your hands out in front of you, fumbling to stand and grabbing Matthew's knife that Dean had thrown down for the bigger one. You started toward one of the taller ones, only for him to fall in front of you and Dean be standing there instead.

"Well, looks like we got the whole Cullen family."


Sam was still inside while you stood outside, getting ready to patch Dean up. He was sat on the hood of the Impala while you stood in front of him, dabbing a  rag carefully to his face. You looked away a second before looking back toward Dean.

As you reached up toward his face again, his fingers softly curled around your wrist causing you to stop. You moved the rag a little to see his face, but he didn't drop your wrist. His green eyes searched your face and you stared at him confused.

"Dean?" You asked quietly and he liked his dry lips, looking down before he looked back to you.

"(Y/N), I need to tell you something." He stated and you nodded slowly, tilting your head a little.

"Okay," You answered softly.

"Because of what just happened I guess now is as good of a time as any." He chuckled lightly. "I want to tell you that, I love you. And it's not the same type of love that I have for Sammy, it's... It's different but it's somewhat the same. I... I have feelings for you, I guess is what I'm trying to say."

You smiled shyly and he let you dab his face a little more. "Well Dean," You replied, holding it to his face as you finished. "I guess it's a good thing I love you too."

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