Chapter 9

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“So…” I started when Trevor came into my room the next day. “You promised me something last night.”

“Oh, yeah…” He gave me his shy smile as he sat down next to me on my bed. I was seeing this smile a lot lately and it only seemed to be aimed at me. “Why I never text or call Maggie…” He took a deep breath. “It’s the same reason why I never asked her out: because I thought that one day I might want to get with you and having been with your sister would've ruined my chances."

"You've actually though about us together?" I muttered in disbelief and he gave me a nod in response.

"From the first time you stuttered at me."

I stared into his brown eyes; he wasn’t lying, he wasn’t messing around… He really meant that.

"But why haven't you said anything before?"

"Because back then I was just faking confidence and I was afraid you'd reject me. And later when the hormones hit and I started drooling over girls, I wanted to wait and make sure that what I felt for you was real, that my feelings for you won't change and that I won't get bored with you like I did with the other girls. I just really liked you and I didn’t want you to end up hurt."

From the look he gave me I knew he expected me to reply. But I was speechless. I’d dreamt about this boy for so long and now he was with me, telling me the things I’ve always longed but never expected to hear.

“Look, Ape,” he grasped my hands in his. “There are some days that I can’t get you off my mind. I’d think about you every minute, every hour no matter what else I’d be doing. I know it sounds cheesy but it’s the truth.” He paused once again to see whether I had something to say. When I just kept on gaping at him, he went on: “When we were freshmen and you started hanging out with Brian I felt jealous. Remember that time when I bumped into him in the cafeteria and accidently spilled my drink on him?” I nodded. “It wasn’t an accident. And even when I noticed he was getting closer to one of your other friends, I still kept an eye on you two. Once I heard that he and Cassie have started to date, I almost screamed for joy.”

I let out a noise that was something in between laughter and a gasp.

“You did that?”

“Yeah. Do you know why I’m telling you all this now?” I shook my head. “Because this past month made me realize that you really are something special, April, and that I can be faithful to you. It’s not just puppy love, I’m sure of it, and if you just give me a chance to prove…”

I couldn’t help it anymore.

I kissed him.

It caught him by surprise and at first he stood frozen. But once his lips moved with mine my heart started jumping. It was the most wonderful feeling, a warm sensation spreading from my mouth all the way to my stomach where butterflies fluttered like crazy. We pulled apart to take a breath and I noticed he was smiling.

“You got me,” I said quietly, his lips still close to mine. “I’ll be your friend, your lover; I’d be anything you’d ever need. I’d stay by your side and never leave you. Baby, you got me.”

His smile widened before we kissed again.

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