Chapter 5

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The messages kept coming one after another.

Now that you have my number I hope you hit me on my celly ;)

I typed “What if I don’t want to hit you on your celly?” but hesitated whether I should send it.

For the past four years Trevor has been giving me the occasional “What’s up, Ape?” garnished with one of his breathtaking smiles but what was it with his suddenly raised interest in me today? Realizing I wouldn’t find out unless I messaged him, I settled on hitting the send button. His response was immediate:

Why wouldn’t you? We are friends, right?

Friends? How did he come up with that idea?

We lived opposite each other yet not once did we go to school together. We were the same age and we shared several classes but we rarely spoke. We hung out with different people and at different places. Today was the first day that the two of us got to be alone and really talk. So no, even though I’d like to be his friend and (as much as it pained me to admit it) maybe his girlfriend we were nothing more than acquaintances.


My answer must’ve surprised him because it took him a while before he texted back:

Don’t you want us to be?

Did I?

If Trevor and I became friends then we’d probably spend more time together. In that case he might realize how I felt for him but even if he didn’t somebody else would. What would happen if he became aware how my heart skipped a beat when he looked at me and then how it made up for lost time by drumming in my chest like crazy?

An image of Maggie sneering at me and mouthing the word “loser” flashed before my eyes.

That’s what I’d get if people found out I wanted to be Trevor’s girl: I’d be laughingstock of the school. I knew my friends would be there to support me and try to get me through it and that I’d eventually get over my sister’s jeering, but what if Trevor pushed me away?

Or even worse: what if he played me like the rest of the girls?

A part of me wanted to believe that I was different from the rest. He never showed any sexual interest in me so maybe I was. I felt a pang in my chest at that thought; we’d never be together as lovers but perhaps I could manage to be his friend.

Maybe. But only if you promise that you’ll be a true friend and someone I could depend on, Trevor.

My phone buzzed once more but this time it wasn’t a message; this time he was calling.

“I promise,” he responded instead of a greeting.

“And you couldn’t just type that because…?”

“I’m serious about this and calling seems more personal.”

I smiled.

“See you tomorrow, Trev.”

“See you tomorrow, April.”

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