Chapter 2

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Have you ever watched “Everybody Loves Raymond?” If you have, then you know who’s Robert – Raymond’s brother whom everyone seem to  forget about whenever Ray is in the same room. Not because Rob was a bad guy; they simply did.

Today I felt just like him as I sat alone in the cafeteria and watched Maggie laugh with her friends at the table of the populars.

It wasn’t that I had no friends myself. No. But one was sick and at home, another was sitting with her new boyfriend and the third one was having lunch with the rest of the chess club, of which he was a President.

My sister’s giggles rose above the rest of the noise and gained my attention once more.

Seventeen years old Maggie had it all: the looks, the confidence, the charm. Even though I was known as the smart one in our family, she was just as clever as me yet she hid it as if that would ruin her image. So yes, she really had everything she wanted and needed.

Except for Trevor.

Why he had never asked her out puzzled everybody in school. She was the “it girl” he was the “it guy” so why weren’t they together? If Maggie had her way, they would be. Even now she was trying to gain his attention by playfully nudging him with her bare knee and “accidently” touching his hand. But for some reason, Trevor put his hand into his pocket and turned to talk with Todd.

I could not help but smile as I watched Maggie attempt to keep her cool and just brush it off as if she didn’t really care.

I stood up and headed for my locker, waving to Brian as I passed him and noting he was still talking to his chess buddies. I’d barely gotten out of the cafeteria when he caught up with me.

“So,” he started in that slightly high-pitched intonation he used whenever he was nervous. “How was lunch?”

I looked at him biting his lip and sighed.

“That wasn’t what you wanted to ask me, was it?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t sit with you at lunch!” He blurted out then went on heatedly: “I know I probably should have since we are friends and Caitlin is busy with her boyfriend, and Cassie is sick and all, but the chess club has a tournament coming up and we had to discuss strategies and…”

“Brian!” I interrupted before my head could explode from his babbling. “It’s okay.”

“So you are not mad?”

“No, I’m not mad.” It wasn’t really a lie. I wasn’t feeling angry while I ate lunch today, just lonely. I was not going to tell him that though; I could see the guilt eating him up on the inside. “Did you notice your voice became softer when you said “Cassie”?” I queried in order to change the topic.

“Well, she’s my girlfriend,” he replied with a smile and a dreamy expression. “I’m so lucky to have her!”

You are lucky to have each other, I though.

Brian and Cassie were eighteen year old seniors like me and had been dating since sophomore year. Although they were not winning a medal for the most popular couple they certainly were one of the most dedicated ones I’d seen. Unlike most teenagers they didn’t just lust for each other; they were in love.

God, what I wouldn’t give for someone to look at me with such adoration and devotion as Brian gazed at Cassie!

“I’d go see her after school. Why don’t you join me, April?” He asked just as I opened my locker and started taking out the things I needed for my next class.

“I’d love to but I have to study. I’ve fallen behind with the project for Mr. Addison so I’m off to the school library as soon as classes end.”

“You? Behind on a project?” He gave me the once over. “Were you sick during the weekend as well? You never fall behind.”

“It wasn’t my fault!” I spat out and closed the locker with way more force than what was needed. “My partner decided that school projects were beneath him so I have to do his part as well.”

“Why don’t you complain to Mr. Addison?”

“My partner is Tyrell.”

“Oh…” He gave me a sympathetic look.

Remember when I shared with you my definition of a bad boy?

Tyrell fit it perfectly.

He was nineteen and this was his second time in senior year because he was held back. He passed most of his classes by threatening the teachers and according to rumors he even got one of them drunk, slept with her and made a video which he now used to blackmail her with. His favorite pastime was smoking weed but he was also into selling it. He liked to spend his weekends drinking, getting into fights and then drinking some more. So when last Friday I finally gathered up the courage to approach him and politely remind him the two of us were paired up for a project due this Wednesday, he laughed at my face. When the fear and embarrassment finally subdued, I turned on my heels and jogged away. I would’ve run if I could but I’ve never been a good athlete. The bottom line from this wonderful experience was that I figured I’d have to do the project by myself.

“Maybe I’ll visit her tomorrow, Brian,” I said, entering the classroom.

“You won’t have to; she’ll be at school tomorrow.”

I smiled.


I won’t have to eat lunch alone again!

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