Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" You ask with wide eyes. 

He doesn't speak, but instead intently stares into your eyes for a few seconds, that feel like centuries. After that he tilts his head to the left and stares at your exposed neck. You took off your scarf the moment you entered the Studio because the heat is too high, and now it's even higher.
Your cheeks turn to the shade of a tomato, as your eyes widen even more and butterflies start tickling your insides. You want to push him off and yell at him to prevent him from whatever he is about to do, but at the same time you want to let him continue, curious of what is about to happen. By what you have read in books, when the boy pins the girl to the wall, he's either going to confess or just kiss her. Well, that's what happens most times, at least. 

Your heart starts beating faster at that thought. Is Jimin going to do either of those? Man, you don't know. Do you want him to do it?  Well.. Since you are feeling so tensed up, yet excited at the same, it's probably a yes. But  is it a yes because It's Jimin who is in front of you at a very close distance, or,  is it because you just want to have the experience and finally be able to completely understand what your friends h​​​​​ave been describing you for years?

"Tell me..." he whispers, "Did you like the dance? Because... I'm sure you watched enough to form an opinion" 

If that is possible, the butterflies and electricity your feeling rush through your body become more tense and your body expresses it through the color your cheeks are painted with.

"Answer me," he demands after you fail to answer and he leans a little bit closer to you. 

And now, logic decides to kick in.

'I'll ruin you'

Jimin is just messing with you, you can't fall for his antiques.  He won't make a blushing and shy fool out of you to simply entertain himself.

So, best way to get out of this mess and catch him off guard to turn the tables? Be cool and honest. From what you know about Jimin, he has his shy and embarrassing moments as well. If you only manage to hit that spot to make him go all shy, then you'll succeed. 

Two can play this game

"Well..." You sigh and the tone of your voice sends unwanted chills down his spine,  "I'm going to be honest and say that it was pretty good, as well as you. Even if I wanted to lie, it wouldn't be logical, because, well... you are quite handsome" 

Okay, you didn't mean to say that much. That last sentence... You instantly regret it the moment you spill  it out of your mouth. You feel it exposed you too much.

However, you've already said it. 

Jimin has already heard it and has become a blushing mess. He wasn't expecting this reaction out of you. He didn't want this reaction from you. You were supposed to tell him that you hated the dance, that he looked awful, and a whole bunch of other negative things, because well...that's what haters do... And you are supposed to hate him. 

Yes, you may not have been as mean as someone else in your position would be, but you haven't been supportive either. You always looked out to not boost his confidence and right now he took a bet on it, only to lose. 

You said words to boost his confidence. Your plan worked. How is he going to 'fight' back now? 

He has no idea. 

Out of shock, he gasps and his breath hits your neck tickling you. You being quite weak at the moment and the fact that your very ticklish at that spot does not help at not responding to that gasp. 

You raise your shoulder to bring it in contact to your neck as you start giggling, giving Jimin a free chance to escape the hole he dug himself in and turn the tables once again to making you the victim. 

"Why are you laughing?" he pulls back looking at you with a confused face while grabbing his chance and not letting it go. 

You snicker,  "I'm just...I'm ticklish there"  you say referring to your neck as you start rubbing it to get rid of the tingly feeling of his breath on your skin.

Jimin looks at your slightly embarrassed face and awkwardly crooked smile. 

He just wants to explode. He doesn't know what to feel. It's like he's a teenager all over again having a hormone war. 

Should he be mad that you manage to make him act this unnaturally?

Should he embrace these feelings, let them stay and ignore his fears? 

No, he can't do that. 

Well, he doesn't really know what to do and having you there right in front of him makes it even harder for him to think properly. So, he just grabs his shirt that happens to be hanging on the chair next to you and dashes out of the room with no other word. 
You are left with your mouth hanging wide open. 

What the fuck did just happen? 

Why did he leave? 

The rush still hasn't left your body as you haven't dared to move from the position Jimin put you. You keep replying the scene in your mind trying to understand whether you liked it or not. 

You still feel like your trapped between him and the wall, even though he's long gone. 

"Y/N?" Yoongi says as he pokes his head in the Practice Room and sees you standing against the wall with a blsnk expression on your face, proving that you are zoning out into another world. 

However, his voice brings you back and you shake your head, "Yoongi! Hey, I was searching for you," you say and start fanning your face, you're feeling really hot. 

"I know Jimin told me. Are you okay?  You look weird," He observes looking at you with a raised eyebrow, "Did anything happen between the two of you? He didn't seem on his right mind, as well" 

For a moment your eyes widen and you consider whether you should tell him or not, but you decide against it because Yoongi might make a big deal out of it and it shouldn't be a big deal. 

"What? No, I am perfectly fine, I don't know what's bothering Jimin, but I am perfectly fine" you say and gulp. 

"Okay... " Yoongi suspiciously looks at you. He doesn't fully belive you, but he's not going to push you if you don't want to tell him, "Come on, NamJoon must be waiting" he says and drags you outside. 

"Aah,  finally, you guys, what took you so long?" NamJoon says once he sees you approaching the exit of the studio. 

"Yeah, sorry, I had a hard time finding him" you say and rub the back of your head. 

"Are you okay? Why are you so red? Do you have fever?" NamJoon points out and feels his hand against your forehead, "Oh my you're burning" 

It definitely isn't because of a fever... 

You think, but you cannot tell him that Jimin is responsible for this. 

"It is kinda hot in here... " Your comment, but you feel something hard hit your shoulder. 

You turn your head to look at the one responsible and you see a male figure, in a black and  thick hoodie walking past you. 

​​​​​​"Ae, yo, Jimin, where are you going? You have another class!" Hoseok says, as he shows up,  he too sweaty and red from all the intense dancing. 

"Something came up, mind filling up for me?" Jimin says before going outside not giving his Hyung any moment to answer. 

Hoseok angrily growls, as another hour has been added to his schedule. Jimin is going to get it once Hoseok sees him again.

The truth about Jimin is that nothing of an emergency came up. He is just feeling too many emotions at once and he needs to let them all go.  His usual go-to place to let some of his tension and worries out would be the Dance Studio, but since some new full of tension memories have been created with you there, he can't find himself staying without getting suffocated. 

This kid really needs to come clear with his emotions. 

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