Salad isn't food

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Chapter Fourteen: Salad isn't food

"Wow, you're here thirty minutes early." Victoria's eyes widened. "I honestly thought you'd be late."

I politely smiled her way. The truth is, I didn't get any sleep last night so I just decided to come to work early, since I didn't have anything better to do. "What do you want me to start with?" I asked her setting my coffee on the counter.

"You can start by going to the basement and organizing things," Victoria offered, I shrugged and headed down stairs.

I started organizing things by dishes, clocks, and dolls- since that was what was mostly down here.

Several hours past by and I was  down here. I didn't mind much, because I loved antiques and enjoyed being around them. The more I sorted through boxes and boxes the more I saw potential in these old things. They may be old and partly broken, but there is hope for them, someone may find them as a treasure and keep them as long as they live, then one day the little antique will be past down for generations.

I came across this beautiful necklace with a red jewel in the middle. I twisted it around my fingers, it was still shiny and even looked brand new. I thought about the possible story ideas. Maybe this jewel came from a princess, who got it for her birthday. Or maybe a poor man finally earned enough money to buy his wife something beautiful for their 53rd anniversary. The possibilities are endless.

"Rose, someone is here to see you," Victoria shouted from upstairs.

My eyebrows furrowed, who would be here to see me? I stepped up the stairs and closed the basement door behind me. When I turned around, I saw Carter standing there with a couple of flowers.

"Go away," i barked, he's on my list of least people I want to see right now.

"Come on, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for last night," he apologized. I rolled my eyes and looked over to Victoria who was mouthing 'He's cute' which made me roll my eyes again.

"You came to my work place to tell me you're sorry?"

"Yeah, i wanted to take you out for lunch and you can tell me about how your first day is going."

"Actually I-" just as I was about to tell him I don't want to go to lunch with him, Victoria cut me off telling him, "She'd love to, she's got an hour and a half. Have fun." She was practically pushing us out the door.

I didn't really feel like talking to him. He was a jerk last night. "Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I was having fun, and then I ruined it by trying to push you. I'm sorry." He apologized once again.

"I don't think you are, Carter."

"Okay, you're right, I'm not. I'm not sorry for liking you, and I'm not sorry for expressing my opinion to you. But I'm sorry that I keep trying to force you to feel the same way."

"So you'll stop?" I asked turning to the side to look at him.

"I didn't say I was going to stop, I won't force it on you, but I won't stop," he shrugged leading me to a sandwich shop holding the door open for me.

"You're annoying."

"I may be annoying, but I'm about to buy you lunch, so it wouldn't kill you to be a tad nicer," he teased poking my nose.

"Don't touch me and I'll pay for mine," i assured passing him in line.

"No, you go get a seat before someone takes it and I'll get you something. What do you want?"

"Just a house salad, and I'll be good."

"A salad isn't food, what else do you want?" He asked impatiently.

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